Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


The grass is always greener on the other side of the jetstream

Filed under : Rants
On January 5, 2007
At 10:30 am
Comments : 8

Hm, evidently that last one was a bit on the morbid side so let me just write something short to say that it is unspeakably warm here, I didn’t need a coat today, and I was able to go to the park last night in the evening.

And yet I would trade it all for this.

Yes, people seem to love this and I admit, this is my favorite kind of weather, not too cold, not too warm, but enough already. Next week it’s supposed to go down to the 40’s but you can’t have snow in the 40’s, so what use is it to me?

Sunday is supposed to be the last day of freakish weather but I won’t be here for it. More on that after the weekend.


This song has nothing to do with the topic except for the first word of the title (and recurring line). Oh, and that it’s freakish.

The Normal – Warm Leatherette


8 Comments for this post

  1. Sarpon says:

    Are you a weather curmudgeon? I am. I hate “unseasonably” anything. Except maybe for a single unseasonably balmy day toward the end of winter, the kind that reminds you that spring is coming. Otherwise, I want my weather to behave itself. Don’t give me a freakishly warm, wet December, please. It leads to early blooming azaleas which inevitably get frostbite when we have a freakish frost in February, and nothing is more depressing than dead brown azalea slime dripping everywhere you rest your eyes.

  2. Jane says:

    It’s supposed to be party cloudy over the weekend in my neck of the woods. Partly cloudy, partly awesome.

  3. kay says:

    Yay! 😀

    Hey, you can have it. It’s snowing here today and we’re expecting 8 inches by tonight. That sounds about right because it’s been nonstop and heavy since before I woke up.

  4. Soxy says:

    You like snow because you don’t have to drive in it. If I can stay home with a good book in a snowstorm, I’m happy. If I have to dig my car out and white knuckle it on the way to work, I’m not happy.

    I’m so excited that it will be 60 tomorrow. I almost killed myself running with ice on the ground last week. Do you people know how slippery train tracks are?

  5. Becca says:

    Sarpon, I don’t know if curmudgeon is the right word but I do like 4 seasons of distinct weather which is why I don’t live in LA. Also because I hate LA. Sorry, LA people.

    Jane, I just knew you were on my side of the jetstream.

    Kay, I’ve offered to take it but you never send it.

    Soxy, absolutely. No driving, no shoveling driveways, only pure unadulterated snow appreciation.

  6. CSIGirl says:

    I’m with Soxy on this one. While I love winter in WI, driving to work can sometimes be quite scary. Last week when walking my dog I had to slip and slide around the block. Apparently if your a dog, running on ice is ok.

    I would rather have the snow we are missing than all this freezing rain we’ve had in the last month.

  7. kay says:

    I’m sending you a box today, Becca.

    This is unreal. It’s not let up all day. There is now a truck stuck outside our house–they’ve been trying to get out for about an hour now and have called in a second truck to help. This is like living in Buffalo or something.

  8. Becca says:

    CSI, what is this whole “driving” thing you all talk about?Iis it like what the subway conductor does?

    Kay, man that is so unfair.

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