Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I really resent

Filed under : Famous People
On February 8, 2007
At 12:05 am
Comments : 10

…the use of this phrase to describe something involving a woman who drove 900 miles wearing diapers. Now that my energy is turned away from Lost (I’m too slow to get it unless I focus every iota of my being upon it, and even then I can’t totally follow what’s going on), I can fully express my outrage. Shame on you, news media, shame on you!

Listening to the song is helping, though. A little.

New Order – Bizarre Love Triangle


10 Comments for this post

  1. I taught at NASA a few years ago. Most of their employees are completely whackadoo.

  2. Sarpon says:

    They recruit people who want to be strapped to the top of two towering tanks of volatile liquid fuel which is then set afire and shot into space. Essentially, they are human projectiles. And they volunteer for this.

    But because there’s a man involved, I figure it’s all his fault.

  3. Becca says:

    But what about Major Tony Nelson?????

    Oh, and I would like to thank Sarpon for turning me on to my new favoritest blog, the answer may surprise you. It’s genius!

    PS, don’t forget to back come here after. Becca sees you, Becca knows.

  4. Alex says:

    “…strapped to the top of two towering tanks of volatile liquid fuel which is then set afire and shot into space. Essentially, they are human projectiles.”

    Sarpon, when you put it that way, it does sound kind of cool!

  5. PsychoPants says:

    i will never be the magicjewball reader of the month. i am far too undisciplined.

    that is my epiphany of the day.

  6. KP says:

    It is all because all men suck. Well, all men except the ones who read and post on the JBall.

  7. Becca says:

    PP, or because I no longer really do that feature. One or the other.

    KP…did you read the correct post? Are you drinking this evening?

  8. KP says:

    Regarding the drinking…I wish!

    Regarding the man bashing, that’s because this whole astronaut ordeal was over a man.

    I was in a mood. I’m better now.

  9. Becca says:

    Oh, no worries, KP. But don’t forget it’s the chick who got all crazy. I know, the J-Ball is like poetry, everyone finds their own thing in it.

    Gosh I couldn’t keep a straight face as I typed that.

    Anyhoo, should you be feeling a little angry about a gender of your choosing, you may enjoy the iPod song of the week.

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