Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Breaking: team with some proximity to NY wins!

Filed under : Sports,TV
On February 4, 2008
At 4:15 pm
Comments : 5

Wow, so how about that football contest? To me, it seemed a lot like Sense & Sensibility, mostly because that’s what I was actually watching at the time. But in hindsight, now I’m kind of sorry, as it appears as though New Jersey New York actually pulled it out. I noticed because of all the hooting and hollering going on outside and it wasn’t even the exciting scene where Emma Thompson gets together with Hugh Grant.

Now, you’ll notice that every site and its splog have “best commercials” analysis. You may have thought I was above that. Well, in your face! Because I’m not. I did watch all the commercials online and this was my favorite. Honorable mention goes to the Macy’s balloons chasing after the coke (as if Stewie would ever lose to Charlie Brown).

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″][/youtube]

Ahahahahaha! Every time I see that, I’m sure he’s going to mow down Richard Simmons. I believe in you!


iPod song of the week – The Stranglers

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On February 3, 2008
At 9:30 pm
Comments : 3

I know, I’m supposed to be watching the Super Bowl with 90 million other people but someone has to mind the Interweb. So, instead, let’s rediscover the best song about heroin ever! Actually, when I was a kid listening to this song, I had no idea it was about drugs. I just liked its carnivalesque, rollicking melody and instrumentation. It was like nothing else I was hearing on the radio. Is that a harpsichord? Who knows. I do know that this is one song I never, ever skip on my iPod and has been redone by about a million people. None of them are as good as the original. The Stranglers were a great punk band and then, after punk, a great melodic guitar band. This is from the later stage, as you can probably tell. It’s almost jazzy.

Oh, and I apologize for not updating the iSotW page since New Year’s but it’s gotten too long and will mess up the page and I’m thinking about what to do about that. While I’m thinking, listen to the song.

The Stranglers – Golden Brown

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.