Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


iPod song of the week – Soft Cell

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On February 17, 2008
At 10:05 pm
Comments : 3

But first, a story having nothing to do with the iSotW but not long enough for its own post. This morning I was woken up by the most polite wrong number caller ever! I actually thought the phone was my alarm. This is because I use the phone as my alarm. It sounds exactly like I’m getting a phone call! Except there’s no one there, it’s just the phone saying, “duh, you set me, dumbass.” But today there was actually someone there. The fact that it was three hours before the time for which I had set it mattered little to me because, um, I had three hours less sleep than usual and wasn’t entirely sure what time it was. Or what year it was. It’s funny how that works. Clearly my voice communicated this fact to the caller who said, “Oh, I must have made a mistake. I am SO sorry that I woke you at this hour. Is this 555-6666?” I was so flummoxed at his sincere sounding apology that I put on my super-helpful voice and said, “No, you must have misdialed, it’s 555-6667.” He apologized again and I actually thanked him for apologizing. That’s how sleepy I was.

OK, so once I was awake that early, I couldn’t really fall back asleep right away so I listened to this show on the radio called “Breakfast With the Beatles.” Luckily, not the dead half. Even though there is a finite limit to how many Beatles songs exist they somehow manage to fill an hour or two with requests every Sunday. I’m not totally sure how many hours because if I am awake while this thing is on it means I am hardly a happy, attentive camper. But I was listening and the first request was Fool on the Hill. And it was dedicated to Roger Clemens. Ahahahahahaha! That was just brilliant, even though I actually believe Roger Clemens. You can pick which of these things you want to be the punchline to this story.

Right, onto our song. This past week contained one of my favorite holidays. Yes, Friday was Half-Priced Chocolate Sale Day. It rocked! But before that some other people celebrate Valentine’s Day, a holiday that makes me retch whether or not I am dating someone. If you are one of my exes you will immediately recall how unromantic I am. Perhaps this is why we are exes. But I digress. The London Telegraph ran a piece about the 50 Best Love Songs of the 80’s which thrilled me not only because I am an 80’s music nutcase but also because most music I listened to in the 80’s came from the UK and this list was sure to focus on that. It was a really odd assortment (Bizarre Love Triangle, really?) and nothing was odder than the choice somewhere in the middle of the list of Soft Cell’s “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.” You may only know Soft Cell from “Tainted Love” but this is actually my favorite song by them (you thought it would be Sex Dwarf, didn’t you?). It’s a wistful, poignant look back at a relationship the singer clearly thinks should never have begun in the first place. And even if the end is kind of hopeful, it isn’t the sort of song one plays at one’s wedding. To wit, the chorus:

Take your hands off me
I don’t belong to you, you see
Take a look at my face
For the last time
I never knew you
You never knew me
Say hello, Goodbye
Say hello, wave goodbye

So I can’t agree with the Telegraph that this is a love song but I will accede to this description they give: “Great tune, gripping lyrics, heroic vocal by Marc Almond.” So true. But maybe Sex Dwarf would have been a more romantic choice.

Soft Cell – Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.


There’s snow in the streets, it’s up to my ankles

Filed under : Music,New York City
On February 14, 2008
At 1:30 pm
Comments : 5

Well, not really. More on this later.

Happy Pitchers & Catchers Reporting Day! Sorry, I know I’ve been MIA for a bit but I’ve been busy and you know that must be true because my TiVo is full. If you could see my TiVo. Also, I have a ReplayTV and not a TiVo but that’s neither here nor there.

Anyway, a couple of follow-up items. Firstly, regarding my bemoaning the loss of a radio station that I don’t even receive, there’s actually a new rock radio station in New York and I do receive it! It’s called WRXP and it’s at 101.9. It’s basically rock of the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and today all mashed together. For instance, the other day I heard The Doors, Arctic Monkeys, and Soundgarden in close proximity, which was groovy, especially because Peace Frog is amongst my favorite Doors songs (who else could take a lyric like “there’s blood in the streets, it’s up to my ankles!” and enable you to dance to it?). So give that a try if you are in or near our fine, fine city and its steroid-laced baseball players.

Next, kb asked me in a comment which I so rudely didn’t answer (because I knew I’d put it in my next post, I just didn’t know it would be three days later – sorry!) about the song I posted there. What is that smoky, mysterious Feist song in French? It sounds like an Erik Satie number! This is because it is, actually, just with Arthur H’s lyrics over it. And he’s joined by Feist. I really adore this song and as I said in the comment, the lyrics are sung so slowly that even I can understand them. If only I could sing as low as Arthur H and as high as Feist, I’d be set. Now as to where you can get it, uh, that’s trickier. It’s not available as a download on iTunes or Napster. So, you’ll be left to your own devices on that one. So, *cough*, here it is.

Arthur H a/Feist – La Chanson De Satie

If you like it, and I know you will, feel free to buy the whole album, it’s a reasonable $13.98 as of this writing at Amazon. I want to hear it just for the song called “Ma Dernière Nuit à New York City.”

Lastly, this isn’t a follow-up to anything, I just like snow, and it enabled me to title this post with its current header. And we finally got some. For a few hours. The guy at right has a shovel. I don’t. This is why I love living in New York.

The Doors – Peace Frog


Widget watch – episode 8

Filed under : The Internets
On February 11, 2008
At 9:00 pm
Comments : 3

I actually don’t know how many times I’ve highlighted special widgets. You know it’s a lot!

Anyway, I really feel this is what my blog has been missing all this time and I’m sure you’ll agree.

I’m going to get right on this.


Not quite the iPod Song of the Week

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On February 10, 2008
At 10:10 pm
Comments : 5

Are you watching Feist right now on the Grammys? Of course not, because I’m writing this way before you read it. I have no idea who else has been on because I was out to dinner with friends and I forgot to set my Tivo. Anyway, of course Feist was big before Apple but we all know that commercial made her. Who’s next? Why, it’s Israeli singer Yael Naim! That’s right, the #1 song on iTunes is by an Israeli, the chick from the MacBook Air commercial (that’s the laptop that’s so thin, it doesn’t include anything you need on it).

So because I’ve been crazy busy this weekend and I would like to shower so as to get the smell of barbecue sauce out of my hair (I smell like any restaurant I go to, it’s a curse), instead of me analyzing some track from my iPod, here’s this light and airy song from next year’s Grammy winner, Yael Naim. It’s really pleasant! Get it? Because naim means pleasant in Hebrew. Oh ahahahahaha! Yes.

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″][/youtube]


I’ve got the power!

Filed under : America
On February 6, 2008
At 12:15 am
Comments : 9

And now, my evening, in pictures.

Well maybe not so much power, because he lost in this state. But I love voting!
Snap! – The Power