Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


One last thing….

Filed under : Etc.
On July 15, 2007
At 9:15 pm
Comments : 8

People sometimes say to me, “you’re so funny! Is your family funny too?” Boy howdy they are! If last year’s parade of Brother2 jokes from the US Open didn’t convince you of that, well, look out for this year. Or ask me about the laugh riot we had at the cemetery today over the lavish Bukharian tailgate party going on there, I kid you not.

Except my Mom, really, she wasn’t especially funny at all. Her idea of a good joke was, “who was the shortest man in the Bible? Nehemiah! Get it? Knee-high miah!” Oh bwahaha, Mom. But one thing she was was an appreciative audience. She’d really laugh at your joke and say “verrrrry good… did everyone hear that?” in a way that made you think you were on your way to doing stand-up.

On the last day of her life, when she was barely coherent, we knew she was still “there” because she laughed at a joke that Sister2 made from this show, one of her all-time favorites. Even though she couldn’t speak, you could tell from her eyes that she was saying, “verrry good… did you all hear that?” Tonight, just before I went off to synagogue to say my last Kaddish of the day, I flipped around the TiVo guide and found I had a new channel (AmericanLife TV Network: your Baby Boomer TV choice, speaks to the interests and values of the unstoppable Baby Boomer generation… er, OK) and that this show was actually on! I had no idea that when they said God worked in mysterious ways they meant that He worked at Time Warner Cable. And so, I downloaded it to my computer so that I could capture the opening sequence and dedicate it to you, my readers and commenters. Thanks for all your good thoughts and know that you are the appreciative audience that makes telling the jokes such a joy.

[flv width=”320″ height=”240″][/flv]


PSA to party planners

Filed under : Etc.
On June 12, 2007
At 8:55 pm
Comments : 9

If you are handling a reunion of some sort and you are working with a directory that is eons and eons old, it is best not to leave a message on an answering machine that goes approximately like this:

“Hi Bill? This is Janet from _____. You probably don’t remember me but we were _____ at ______ together and a bunch of us wanted to get together, and oh, Bill everyone wants to see you especially. I hope this is you, Bill. My phone list is really, really old but…. is that your wife, Bill? We’d love to meet her too and know what you’re up to. Remember when we _______ and then when Alice and Jennifer joined us for _______. Those were great times and…. I really hope this is you, Bill. If it isn’t, I’m so sorry to intrude on your time but… anyway, so there will be six of us, hopefully and, oh gosh, remember ________? That was just so, so great. We can’t wait to see you and remember _____ together. You can reach me at ______. Can’t wait to hear from you! [pause] Oh, and remember that time when we all went to _____ and _____? Man, that was just wonderful. So, call me soon, Bill! If this is Bill.”

I not only left out all the details but about five more paragraphs of her life story with Bill. Listen, Janet, were you afraid that unless you described every little thing he might not remember you and the gang and all your good times? I suppose you were swept away by the memories but obviously not enough to keep from interjecting every few minutes, “gosh, I hope this is you, Bill.” Indeed.

I swear, I meant to call her back after dinner and try not to completely embarrass her by letting her know that she had just told many detailed and some intimate things to a complete stranger who knows her name, phone number, and employer (yay for Caller ID). Because if I was Bill and experienced all those fun times then I’ve clearly been drinking quite a lot and have total amnesia as to some surgery and whatnot. But you know how it goes. Dinner leads to the premiere of Big Love leads to fixing the TiVo because it crapped out, and yadda yadda yadda. She ended up calling back hours later and even though I knew it was her, I played innocent so it went like this:

Me: Hello?
She: Uh, hi, is Bill there?
Me: Oh, you left the message earlier! I’m sorry, you have the wrong number, there’s no Bill here.
She: No?
Me: Nope
She: {slightly miffed} Oh.
< click >

I can’t decide. Was she just utterly humiliated (good call, no pun intended) or was she pissed at me for not calling her back? I can’t help it that I’m a. not Bill and b. am hungry at 8pm and c. have got a TV thing going on. Perhaps I’ll call her back at ______ & Company and find out.

The Cure – Wrong Number


Things observed

Filed under : Etc.
On June 11, 2007
At 4:00 pm
Comments : 11

A disparate photo essay.

Kriss Kross plaqueSeen:
On the sidewalk (for sale amongst other fancee art, you can see) while walking home the other day.

1. Was the person whose name was on this plaque desperate for cash or desperately embarrassed?
2. Whatever happened to Kriss Kross?
3. Will I be reduced to doing this at some point in my life? (answer: surely yes).

French textbookSeen:
In one of my French instruction books.

Maybe it’s because we don’t have the tu/vous issue. Or maybe it’s just because of the president we have.

Yankees bucket hat night adSeen:
During recent Yankee game broadcasts on the Yes Network.

What genius at Supercuts thought it was a good idea to do a bucket hat giveaway to promote their hair salons? Not that I haven’t needed one after exiting that place.

Related to none of this, please check out my and other bloggers’ license plate handiwork over on Arjewtino’s delightful site. (Corrected… stupid typo).

Kris Kross – I Missed The Bus


Moving right along

Filed under : Etc.
On April 17, 2007
At 12:00 pm
Comments : 9

I’ve decided to take your mind off Tax Day and Tragic Massacres and show a video. Yes, I finally give in to the hype and I’m going to post Dr. Tran. I tried to resist it but this thing cracks me up every single time I watch it. Either I’m 12 or the concept never gets old. Probably a little from column A, a little from column B. What, is Dr. Tran too lowbrow for you? While the rest of us are watching the movie, please enjoy news about our storm from five countries.






And without further ado, Dr. Tran.
(takes a minute to load, by the middle it’s no longer safe for work)



Sweet mysteries of life

Filed under : Etc.
On April 5, 2007
At 3:35 pm
Comments : 4

After being away for a few days I have some pressing questions:

1. Will the person who searched on “can you eat fruity pebbles on passover?” actually find the answer on this page?

2. Why on earth is there a Joy Division sneaker? Did Ian Curtis appear to be the sort of guy who would have shilled for New Balance?

3. When KP said she would go to any concert with me did she know I’d call her bluff on this one?

4. Does anyone know where David Nalbandian is this week? Because I really tried but I just can’t find him.

5. What was the “mustard” in the honey-mustard chicken that I had for lunch from the Kosher shop since mustard isn’t Kosher for Passover?

6. Did you think I only sat back and accepted comments? Wait, I’ll answer this one.

7. When will Peter Braunstein just go for it and off himself? It’s really getting tiresome.

8. Was that actual snow this morning?

In honor of Passover, I’ll just cut this off at eight. You’re welcome!

Jack Johnson – Questions