Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Greetings from The West

Filed under : Travel
On July 5, 2011
At 11:30 am
Comments : 6

I’m sitting here in a cafe in the heart of the tourist district of Calgary, where I should be people watching but instead I’m, uh, blogging. But I decided to take advantage of the WiFi because I’ve had some issues, to say the least, with getting my data and phone service set up here in America’s Hat. It actually took the better part of a full day and things still aren’t working smoothly. But no matter, I’m having a fabulous time with the Deas family and seeing downtown today. I really just posted this to share with you the best part:


They have record stores in Canada! Oh, how I miss record stores. I especially enjoyed Depeche Mode being next to the Canadian-marked Celine Dion. But really, it was just great to flip through the racks again.

More soon!