Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Poor Hilary

Filed under : Music
On June 4, 2008
At 9:30 pm
Comments : 3

A two-hit wonder. What ever happened to her?

Who did you think I meant?

PS, that’s right, spotlight on 1983 continues!

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″][/youtube]


3 Comments for this post

  1. KP says:

    Here are my guesses:

    1. She got stuck in one of those cloth tubes and never got out.

    2. She married a Thompson Twin and lives on a farm in Scotland.

    3. Carrer ending key-tar injury forced her into a desk job at a BAC in New Jersey.

    4. She currently resides at a private facility in Connecticut where she has been under the care of specialists for the past 25 years to become less “kinetic”.

  2. sarpon says:

    I knew you didn’t mean my sister-in-arms, because I’m sure you can spell her name correctly.

  3. Becca says:

    Those are some good ideas, KP. I’m going to choose 5, all of the above.

    Sarp, please don’t call attention to the fact that I had to make this pun with two women who spell their names differently. 😉

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