Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


iPod song of the week – new Depeche Mode

Filed under : Depeche Mode,iPod Song of the Week,Music
On March 1, 2009
At 9:00 am
Comments : 3

If you have liked a band for any length of time, never mind your favorite band of all time, there is always a moment of nervousness when you hear the new song. What if I hate it? What if it’s nothing like the old stuff? I don’t worry about that so much with Depeche Mode, because let’s face it, they’re not ever going to sound like, say, Nickelback. But I’m lucky in that I have never really been disappointed. Even the records that some people feel are stinkers, like Exciter, I liked. And it’s not like artists I adore can do no wrong… witness the last Interpol record.

But I’m going to digress a moment before talking about the song and mention the reason I own it. You see, I bought the “iTunes pass” for the new album, Sounds of the Universe, which comes out in April. (As a digression from my digression, I produce a schedule at work for competitive titles being released and every week that I check off DM, I salivate just a little). This pass is good for 15 weeks through and beyond the release of the album and little by little it gets released to you along with various other tracks. It cost $18.99 which is even pricier when you consider that I really want the physical CD and will inevitably buy that. But I’m a sucker and so I did this. I feel like even more of a chump working at a record label where we do this sort of thing all the time, that is, try some new method of eking $$ out of the truly committed and/or teasing them while simultaneously gathering information on them and observing their behavior.

We have a band which you may or may not have heard of, but they have a truly devoted fan base and over the course of the last couple of months, the marketing department put together a teaser website with all kinds of mysteries and slowly, slowly, leaked info and music. Out of curiosity, I went to this band’s extremely active forum and read the many “did you check out mystery website yet?” and “the website won’t work for me – omg my life is over” and “well what do you think this means?” and “is that the new track because it sounds AMAZING!” messages.

I couldn’t decide if these fans liked this sort of tease or not. They did lap it up and maybe for some it was a fun game, but to me, it seemed a sort of necessary evil to get to the band and new record which doesn’t come out till March. Which brings me back to DM. Of course I would want the whole thing at once sans excruciating trickle of little bits of new stuff. But if the choice is waiting till April with nothing beforehand or the new single and a remix now and then little pieces dribbled down to me week by week, well, please take my $18.99. The fool and his money may soon be parted but no one mentions what great music the fool is listening to. The worst part, though, is being aware my strings are being pulled. Dance, puppet, dance!

Anyway, I think this song is very DM in that it both sounds like everything else they’ve done and nothing they’ve ever done before. It has a dark menacing tone, is catchy, and has all the trademark DM notes you’d expect, but has the repetitious title word which somehow is just right, despite the title. The video is another thing in itself and, as I post it, I think of my Intro Psych professor’s words as he turned off the lights to show us the film of the Milgram experiments: “I’ve already seen this and it’s really too disturbing to watch repeatedly, so, see you later!”

You’ve been warned. Enjoy!

Depeche Mode – Wrong


iPod song of the week – further nostalgia

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On February 15, 2009
At 9:30 pm
Comments : 3

The video I posted the other day reminded me how great a band 10,000 Maniacs was and more importantly, how I’m always looking for a band I’ve never done an iPod Song of the Week on. The song in the video, Peace Train, isn’t my favorite Maniacs song, and as a matter of fact, isn’t even my favorite Cat Stevens song.

I mean, all their songs are great based on the folkiness and the melodies and Natalie Merchant’s fantabulous voice (they didn’t seem to survive too well after she left, let’s be frank). But like many songs from long ago that are your favorites, this one will stick with me forever because of a break-up. You know how you have a mental mix-tape of those tracks that nursed you through that horrible, horrible time? This one would be way up there. It’s really about an alcoholic but works just as well as a plea to someone trying to break up with you. I really can’t hear it in any other context, even though it’s the soundtrack to the break up of a relationship that started twenty years ago today. Really. Because I’m good with dates that way. The calendar kind, not the other kind. Obviously.

Anyway! It’s still a great song, full of minor-chord angst, the trademark wiry guitar sound, and of course, the luscious vocals.

(Sorry, only 30 seconds)
10,000 Maniacs – Don’t Talk

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.


iPod song of the week – Animal Collective

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On January 18, 2009
At 4:35 pm
Comments : 4

Depending on who you are, you either groaned at the idea of even one more word of hype about this band or you wondered who the hell I am talking about. That’s the nature of being cult superstars! I was never an Animal Collective megafan. I think I really never listened because they seemed electronic and weird, which is ironic because that’s how the music I listened to in the 80’s was described back in the day. In fact, I discovered the new album… no wait, I discovered the new album because it is written about everywhere on the Interweb and blogosphere. But I discovered the actual music because I was getting a bit bored with First Wave on SiriusXM, not just because they are much more hit-oriented since Sirius took over, but because there is only so long you can go never hearing a new song. So I switched to XMU, which is the Indie station. And I was so excited to like this album! That’s because they’re from Baltimore and their album is named after the concert venue where I spent many a good time in college, the Merriweather Post Pavilion. Ask me & North of the City how we got trapped there with several friends one night with no ride home and eventually found a cab where the driver proceeded to regale us with tales of which psychotropic drugs he was taking. Good times!

But essentially, this album, which comes out Tuesday, is going to move them from one plain to another. If I wasn’t already positive about that, the fact that they got a full page write-up in today’s NY Times tells me that for sure. And if there was a moment for a cult band to have a number one album, beating out the Taylor Swifts of this world, it is in the middle of January, the saddest month for music sales there is. I can’t decide which is more amazing, a band with eight albums out already reaching #1 or a band that most people haven’t heard of reaching #1. It’s a toss-up!

Anyway, the song. So I’ve heard about five songs from the record and this is the first single and best one, IMHO. It’s catchy and joyous and groovy and twinkly and ethereal (it almost sounds like a Christmas song) and is about (the NY Times confirms what I hypothesized) one of the lead singers’ slight embarrassment at wanting material things for his family. I know, that doesn’t sound very exciting but when you hear the chorus, I swear it will stick to your mind like the best pop does. And it will make you happy, just listening. Could you ask for more?

OK, so you can’t download this until Tuesday but it will be fantastic to listen to while you wait for the Inauguration to come on!

Animal Collective – My Girls

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.


iPod song of the week – Cure iPhone wallpaper

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On January 11, 2009
At 9:30 pm
Comments : 3

You know, I realize I never said what I thought of the new Cure CD and I still might not have except that it ties in with what I wanted to share today – I made my own Cure 4:13 Dream iPhone/iPod Touch wallpaper! Not that the happy pink flower I chose off the stock images wasn’t lovely for two days. It just wasn’t me. (In case you didn’t see my update, I traded in my Nano for a Touch. You can see why in the comments on the last post.) But it’s really easy to make your own, you just crop or stretch your image into 320×480. Easy peasy! But if you don’t want to DIY, here are two, one with the yarn stitches and one with the star. I have the star but I may switch. Which also ties in, as you will see.

Just right click on the image, save it on your drive, and sync as you normally do. Or if you’re like me and don’t sync, just e-mail it to yourself and open it on your iPhone or Touch.



Oh yeah, and the album – I love it! I guess you knew that because I made wallpaper out of the cover. And I did already highlight the song I liked best from the shows last year, Freakshow. But now that I’ve listened to it, I love another song better. It’s called Switch and has a flow that sounds sort of like the lyrics are swirling around a drain which works well because they’re about how you can change and descend almost without noticing. The music is all crazy, messy guitar and there are no quiet bits. It’s kind of like Robert Smith’s hair, I hope that’s visual enough.

The Cure – Switch

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.


iPod Song of the Week – Holiday 2008

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On December 21, 2008
At 11:00 pm
Comments : 6

It’s the first night of Hannukah and you know what that means: time for the Christmas iPod Song of the Week! As an addendum to the last post, I should say there are a few Hannukah songs and I do not mean “Oh Dreidl, I made it out of clay” or anything by Adam Sandler. My favorite is called Mi Yimalel, but I couldn’t find a good version on YouTube. Feel free to Google if you want to hear the bad ones. But it’s much more fun to sing because it goes around and around and you can sing it in a round, actually. I’m humming it in my head for you. You’re welcome!

Anyway, this first night of Hannukah happens to coincide with the Sunday before Christmas/Jewish Family Day and so, this being the third annual holiday edition, you get my third favorite Christmas song. This one isn’t as jolly as the other two and it’s got that shrill Yoko Ono section, but really, how can you get more spiritual meaning than, “And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?” I think we all did awesome this year, if you (coughelectiondaycough) know what I mean.

But really, war is over… if you want it. I think we all want it, yes?

Happy holidays, everyone!

John & Yoko And The Plastic Ono Band – Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.

Becca’s #1 Holiday song.

Becca’s #2 Holiday song.