Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Carry me back

Filed under : Music
On February 20, 2013
At 7:00 pm
Comments : 2

I really don’t want to take a break from happy videos, because the theme is actually “finding joy in music when life is giving you none.” And maybe, in fact, that’s the message of what I’m going to post about today, the same thing I posted about five years ago today, the Station Nightclub Fire. It’s been ten years since that horrible day and it still shocks and chills, the waste, the horror, the tragedy of a hundred souls losing their lives, and many more terribly injured, in a torturous hell… simply because they loved music. I think anyone who loves music feels deeply for those who suffered simply because we feel them. We are them. People who go out on a freezing cold night to a tiny dive just to experience a band we love.

I wanted to publish this post this morning but I couldn’t think of a song for it. I wanted a song that I really liked but that also celebrated the love of music and the power of rock & roll. Tonight I thought of this one which is about loving old style music in particular, which obviously I do, and obviously the Station fans did, too. So unlike last time where I used a sad song, this time I play this rollicking one to help us all get through the tough times. Because that’s what unites all music lovers: finding the emotion and feeling within it, whether it’s what we’re already feeling, what we once felt, or what we wish we felt.


2 Comments for this post

  1. Gemellus says:

    May you continue to feel the music. I’m glad you’re back for a while. I enjoy your site. Thanks.

  2. Becca says:

    Thanks so much, Gemellus. And thanks for sticking with me!

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