1 Adar 5773
It’s been a long time, I know. But I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. And I did miss both my readers.
I haven’t been in any kind of writing mood and I still am not, but it’s Adar, and you will remember that when Adar comes, joy is increased. I was not going to recognize this at all, but today I was going through my Plex queue and saw that I had Enjoy the Silence on it, so I watched it because it makes me happy, or at least satisfied and contented. And I wondered, how is it that Depeche Mode, which is music I have listened to in some really dark times, always makes me feel joy? Why doesn’t it remind me of the bad things, like so many other artists and albums do? And I realized it was because DM was the thing that made me feel better in all those times. It was that one thing that I had.
So every weekday* in Adar this year, I think I will post a song that makes me feel good or happy or satisfied or content. Because that’s what music has always been to me: a balm. Many will be repeats of things I’ve posted in the past, I’m sure, but it’s not like you memorized them. If you did, we can’t be friends anymore. Just kidding!
I also take requests.
*I’m like the post office.
Obvs, this one goes first.