And also, why did Wang Chung as a verb never take off?
In the “Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?” department comes the puzzled discussion amongst YouTube commenters that appears on the page of the below video. It centers on whether Wang Chung were aware that 2Pac already had a song called To Live and Die in LA when they released theirs.
My favorite comment is, “Try googling it I but I just think these guys made this song with the same name without knowing Pac made a song with this name also.” Yes, that’s exactly what they did in 1985, over ten years before the hip-hop song with the same name was recorded. Good call!
Of course, Some Kind of Wonderful was on this afternoon, reminding me of the time I saw it in the theater as a teen and remarked to Brother1, “isn’t it cool how they found a song with the same name as the main character, Amanda Jones?”
But then that one comes from the “hey, look at that, there’s a Duane Reade on the corner of Duane and Reade Streets” file.
Not to mention that picking on YouTube commenters is the lowest of low-hanging fruit. But I am using it all as an excuse to post this video to a song I forgot existed but always loved. The production and arrangement are way, way dated, but the moodiness and perfect pop writing shine through. Why did I suddenly remember it? Why, it appeared in “80’s Collection” the other day when I was playing Songpop against Tami. Are you my Facebook friend? Are you playing me in Songpop? WHY NOT????? Let’s remedy that. Right after this song.