Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Thanks, but I’ll be having chicken

Filed under : Judaism
On September 16, 2012
At 3:15 pm
Comments : 3

To continue our Wire theme and paraphrase De’Londa Price, this week is one of them Jew holidays. I say that because this is what my grocery store does on what I’m sure they also call a “Jew holiday:” place every Jew food on an endcap and put it on sale. I don’t know anyone who eats tea biscuits specially for Rosh Hashanah, but there you are (spot the matzah at the ends of the bottom shelf!). The one appropriate thing in this display is the honey, which we eat so that we’ll have a sweet new year. And I wish you all a sweet new year, full of good health, happiness, and prosperity.

I have a feeling if you are the maker of Tam Tam crackers, this is already happening for you.

I also enjoyed how someone spotted the on-sale honey and switched their more expensive honey bear, leaving it on the display. I do that all the time; sorry grocery stock people.

U2 – Wild Honey


3 Comments for this post

  1. Deas says:

    Happy holiday, sweet one

  2. Elena says:

    They do that here, too, putting all the Jew-food at the end,but they don’t put it on special. Maybe they figure if y’all have to eat it, you’ll pay full price. But I don’t think they even know about the honey–they just put everything with Maneschewitz on the label together. Happy New year! And whatever one is supposed to say for Yom Kippur,

  3. Becca says:

    Thanks, guys! And I do have a post about what to say on Yom Kippur but I’m on a train and too lazy to look for it. I’ll link to it after the holiday.

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