How to get a sore throat in 3:26
Whilst searching for a song to grab with an expiring Amazon credit, I stumbled upon the fact that there is a Karaoke version of Deftones’ Engine No.9, which cracked me up and then made me wonder how drunk you’d have to be to perform it. You see, on every Deftones’ album, there is a song I call “the mosh song” in that there’s no discernible melody and the lyrics are all screamed, rather than the lead singer’s trademark croon (see here, as an example of the latter). And who cares, because it’s just meant to be performed live so that their target demographic can have something to crash into each other to. Inevitably, they play all the mosh songs at their shows, which is, of course, disappointing to me, as someone who likes to stand towards the back, sing along loudly, and channel all my emotions into the music. Sometimes, I forget these songs even exist since I tend to leave them off my iPod or other mobile device.
So, I am not really sure how the Karaoke of this is supposed to work. But if you can do it, you are more talented than I am. I started you off with the “singing” portion, about 30 seconds in.
As if to add the exclamation point on this post, the description of this video on YouTube helpfully adds, “this song was featured in the movie Law Abiding Citizen, when Gerard Butler kills his cellmate with a bone from a steak.” Righteous.
PS, I bought their cover of John Lennon’s Jealous Guy.
I don’t often remember movie scenes that clearly, but that was a distinctive one.