Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


The most hopeful time of the year

Filed under : Baseball
On April 6, 2012
At 12:15 pm
Comments : 5

It’s Opening Day! Sunshine! Rainbows! Spring!

I’d like to take this post to wish a happy 20th anniversary to Oriole Park at Camden Yards. I distinctly remember the opening, as all of us salespeople at the nearby Gallery Mall were given free Oriole caps to wear all weekend. It was a great time for Baltimore and I wish great times for Baltimore (and the Orioles, too) would come back.

So happy Opening Day! And may your team win… as long as you support the same ones I do.


5 Comments for this post

  1. Elena says:

    That must have been an exciting time. Hard to believe it’s been 20 years. I’d like to seem them get back to their glory days, but they need a new owner first. Their opening game should be on TV here since we are designated as Orioles and Nationals region, but our stupid cable company refuses to carrying the games. And they get blacked out when on ESPN. Not that the O’s ever are, but the Nats are sometimes. Sigh.
    But Happy Opening Day, anyway!

  2. Becca says:

    It sure doesn’t feel like 20 years to me. Sorry about your TV rights issues! Stupid MLB.

  3. Elena says:

    Do you still have the cap?

  4. sarpon says:

    The Mets have won two in a row. I’m kind of hoping the rest of the season gets rained out and we head to the playoffs based on the first half-week of play.

  5. Becca says:

    Elena, of course I do!

    Sarp, is that working?

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