Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Hold that thought

Filed under : Reasons to be cheerful,Travel
On March 23, 2012
At 12:45 pm
Comments : 4

I’ll have more to say about the trip and about the Happy Thoughts project, now that it’s over, later this week. But right now, all I have the energy to say is this:


Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing the happy.


4 Comments for this post

  1. Steph318 says:

    Stunning. Have a wonderful time!

  2. Deas says:

    This is totally unrelated to this current post. But, I was meeting with my broker today, and after our business concluded we were discussing religion, and I was surprised to learn that he formerly held (a million years ago) a Rabbinical position. Anyway, I talked about my friend, Becca, her brilliant writing and especially your answer to my wedding question. I just read it again, and it always makes me smile. Have a wonderful trip, I’m happy that you’re happy. But I am sorry Nalbandian didn’t win.

  3. Elena says:

    Beautiful photo! We’re having Irish weather here, soft rain. Which would be lovely if it weren’t a baseball game day.
    Have a “99” [ice cream cone with a Flake in it] for me.

  4. Becca says:

    Thanks, Steph!

    Deas, that is very kind, thank you. And being far, far away, I did not keep up with Nalby. Poor Nalby; he really needed my MIND.

    Elena, I did have several Flakes but even with record temps, it was still a little cool for ice cream.

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