High and dry are we
As promised, the other trip of the week. Internationally, there are lots of places I like to go. Domestically, I have a clear favorite and any reader of this blog (other than people searching for Jewish tennis players) will know what it is: Baltimore. I was supposed to go last October but as has often been the case this year, I was illin’. That ended up OK, though, because this time I get to go with North of the City, with whom I enjoyed Baltimore/suffered college the first time. It’s been a long time since we traveled together and we haven’t been in Baltimore together since 1993. It also happens to be a landmark anniversary of graduation year, a big round number which rhymes with “benty.” There is, of course, an official celebration this year (Homecoming at a lacrosse school is in the spring) but if you thought there was any chance I would attend something like that, you probably thought my favorite city in America was Phoenix.
Actually, we’re more going because Amtrak had a crazy sale and I have a spring break that falls at a decent time for Baltimore weather. North would only come with me if the temp was under 90 and that just leaves out so much of the year in Baltimore. So here we are, going back to look at old sites and eat lots and lots of food. Luckily, one of us eats crab cakes and I won’t bother to tell you who that is.
I am, as usual when anticipating a trip to Charm City, ridiculously excited. We booked the train and hotel a while ago so that leaves just one important piece of research: how much the bus now costs there. It’s a tough job but one of us will find out.
So today’s reasons to be cheerful: traveling with friends, benty year anniversary of escaping hell graduating, trip to My Other Favorite City, the train, etc. etc.
Also, fabulous weather. Are you having fabulous weather? Because we are. Delightful.
Title comes from a song on the album I have associated before with train trips to/from Baltimore.
The Ocean Blue – Breezing Up