Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Staring at the sea

Filed under : Reasons to be cheerful,Travel
On March 12, 2012
At 11:45 pm
Comments : 5

Writing this post makes a great change from what I’ve been writing all evening, which is, “Hi, do you have a room available for the nights of [reverse month and day]?” Because I forget that booking at a B&B run by Maura and Patrick Friendly isn’t the same as filling out the online form at the Marriott. And this is an advance from the way I used to have to just make phone calls at odd hours. That was right before I walked ten miles in the snow to the airport to take the autogyro.

Also, the reviews at Tripadvisor are decidedly different from the usual “room was dirty” and “unhelpful staff” you usually get. They mostly focus on how awesome or how awful Maura and Patrick really are. There’s one B&B I’d like to stay at just to find out if the proprietress really does march you to your room like you’re going to your cell. And people in Northern Ireland know! Well, maybe not. But now I get to wait till I wake up to find out if any of these are available. And the hotels all seem to be booked in the town I chose for my weekend visit. If I actually get a room, I’ll reveal what it is. Otherwise, I believe in the possibility of jinxing things and I just don’t have the luck of the Irish.

I keep writing hoping a happy thought occurs.

Well, I got my “Rick Steve’s Northern Ireland” for 20% off at Barnes & Noble because I’m a teacher. That was happy. Actually, the Educator Discount Card is supposed to be for things you will use in the classroom but I did read a whole bunch of it in my classroom, so I feel that technically, that was true.

By the way, besides Rick, I also have 23 tabs open in my browser. My computer is wheezing right now.

So right, the happy thought. The happy thought.

The happy thought is: sea view. Because there are really no two words in the world other than “Depeche concert” that will make me feel happier.

I hope I didn’t just jinx myself.

Nine Inch Nails – La Mer