Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Someone somewhere (in springtime)

Filed under : Reasons to be cheerful,Travel
On March 4, 2012
At 11:45 pm
Comments : 3

Or: The Jewballs are going to Britannia!

In case you’re late to our party, the blog is celebrating the Hebrew month of Adar by blogging happy thoughts and reasons to be cheerful through March 23rd. This has been (expectedly) difficult but maybe not as tough as I’d have thought. In any case, today I actually have something cheerful that’s happening to me. I’ve booked my first trip back to the British Isles in… years and years! I used to go practically every year because it was so cheap (usually $200-$300 round trip with B&B’s at <$50 a night). Sometimes, I'd go for the weekend. But then I bought an apartment and then I went to Israel a lot after my parents bought a place and then I redid my kitchen and then I quit my job and became a student. I tried to go over winter break with Pi but we couldn't get a good fare. Now that spring break is coming, I tried again (alone) and got a great fare! The catch is, it's only for five days and it's to Dublin. Now wait, lovers of Ireland, don't be mad! It's just that I've been there and for over a week which is more than I can say for Scotland (a weekend) or Wales (4 days). But I think I can just use Dublin as my arrival stop and then go somewhere I haven't been or haven't seen a lot of. So maybe Northern Ireland. Or maybe the northern coast of Wales (I was on the southern coast last time). Or Anglesey where dear Prince William is stationed. I'm sure he would like a visit. Or Manchester to see the Hacienda. Don't tell me the Hacienda no longer exists! Now comes the planning time, which is the best, most agonizing time. I hope to stay cheerful, as I only have three weeks. There is also another short trip scheduled for just before but it's domestic and already planned. But, yay, somewhere, who knows where, in the UK! In more universal happy news, I want to wish a great big congrats to my friend and teammate, Rachel, who got married this weekend. Rachel is truly one of the greatest, most fun humans out there. I wish her and the new Mr. Rachel a wonderful and happy life together. Mazal tov!

Title from:
Simple Minds – Someone Somewhere (In Summertime)