North By Northwest
Hey! I’m not in a coffee shop! Unfortunately, this means that there will be no picture today because I just don’t think my poor WiFi hot spot could handle it. No, I’m in the recreation car of VIA Rail Canada Train #1, just outside of Edmonton. In fact, we are stopped for no particular reason. I am imagining it is so they can search the train for Cary Grant.
The recreation car consists of some tables with checker boards on them and a continental breakfast, the continent being North America. The dry-erase board informs me that they will be having Bingo later as well as showing one of the Twilight movies. I think I will be in the observation car then or more probably asleep, as sleep last night was scarce, what with the jostling of the train car. I see an Ambien in my future. My compartment, the “Cabin For One” is adorable, if a bit cramped. We’ll see if I can get a decent picture but I’m not sure the angles of the space will permit it.
I had a lovely time in Saskatchewan, which I am informed I pronounce like a native, and I thank the lovely Holand for hosting me and showing me around. Tomorrow, we arrive in Vancouver and if they can de-wedge me from my cozy compartment, I’ll be on my own there and for the rest of the trip. Thanks for coming along! Imagine me making this whole speech again but in poorly-accented French for maximum authenticity.
I loved Vancouver when I visited years ago. So glad you’re enjoying your trip!
Am still trying to figure out why anyone would visit the Canadian praries while no hockey is being played. At least they sell the aforementioned ketchup flavored chips year round. The pickle flavored ones are good too.
Thanks, Rachel! It’s been a blast so far.
Brother2, thanks for the tip; I wasn’t sure about the Dill Pickle ones. And you’ll have to speak to the Department of Ed about that whole “vacation in summer” thing. But I may have a WHL tchotchke or two for you.
BAKED dill pickle. Best.