There goes my street-walking business
I’m on the second of of the three certification exams I must take for New York State to declare that I’m fit for a school setting (I passed the first one, yay me and yay sad exam) and have been taking practice tests to prepare myself. The first exam was SAT/GREish and tested things like math, science, English, history, etc. while this one tests pedagogy (i.e. how to teach) and state policy. Now, coming from the music business or even the private sector in general, where what I do doesn’t effect children (unless you count gangsta rap), I have a sort of fractured view on what the requirements are for the job. It colors how I answer some of these questions, none more than this one:
When deciding upon the fitness of a teacher providing instructional services to serve as a New York State public school teacher, a district:
a. must use as the sole basis for its decision the teacher’s conduct and competence in the classroom
b. may include the teacher’s personal behavior outside the classroom as part of its evaluation
(there were two more, but they were irrelevant and clearly red herrings)
Yes, I got this one wrong. Oh dear.
Wait until they find out you worked your way through school peddling your cookies.
Better take those racy pictures off Facebook.
Especially the racy pictures of my cookies.
Those definitely bring on the panting and heavy breathing.
Ha! Thanks.