It will be a start!
I wanted to say something about the Chilean miners, the effects of hype on authenticity, the triumph of the human spirit, and the global community. And maybe eventually I will. But instead, I should really say this.
[youtube width=”480″ height=”270″][/youtube]
This is me. Only I am saying, “I will start my thesis today.”
Now I just need a good lacy slip.
Title comes from:
The Jam – Start!
“I will start my diet today!”
You can do it Becca! I have faith in you.
Thanks, Tam Tam! But it’s WAY easier to do a thesis than to diet, so good luck to you.
What a relief! I really thought you were going to sell my NYC crash pad out from under me!
Good thesising wishes to you.
Thanks, and never! Until I run out of cash, which could be any day now.