Love shack
This post was supposed to appear before Sukkot, but like most holidays, I ran out of time. I am not known for my time management skills, but more for my ability to get distracted by pretty much anything. In case you’re not up on your tabernacle knowledge, Sukkot is the holiday where we build temporary booths and spend lots of time in them. Then we tear them down. You may remember this from your whole “Christmas tree” concept. But it is still Sukkot, which goes on for another several days, so I am free to share with you these scintillating photos of my family’s excursion to the heart of Jewey Brooklyn to buy lulavs and etrogs from the same guy from whom we have bought them since… a really long time ago.
I like this one because the etrogs look like they’re hatching and peeping out of their little etrog holes.
Here they are in their cushy etrog boxes, waiting to go.
This one was hard to get, that’s why it’s so blurry. I had to wait for the lulav inspector to step away so I could get a picture of the “Please remember to leave a tip for your lulav inspectors” sign. Then he came back before I could get a good shot. My tip would have been, “try to step away a little more often or you ruin people’s blog photos.”
This wasn’t the place where we got our lulavs and etrogs but it’s the sort of sign you see everywhere. There is a lulav and etrog or sukkah store on every block. Sometimes there are several. This just says, “Etrogs, Lulavs, and Hadasim. From Israel and checked by the _____.” I don’t know what the initials of the checker stand for, so I left that blank. Hadas (myrtle) is another branch that goes into the lulav package.
This one has nothing to do with Sukkot but can you believe the frozen gefilte fish section at the local Kosher superstore? This picture doesn’t even do it justice; it goes on both to the right and left. I just hope no mother sent their kid to the store with the instruction, “get the one in the blue bag.”
Well, that’s about it. What a sukkatastic trip! I hope you’re having a delightful Sukkot and if you’d like to learn more, please see my previous posts here: