I’ve been walking in Central Park
Often, I don’t post because there’s nothing compelling to say. It’s rare these days that my life is so full of exciting things that I have no time to write (unless you find setting up a colloquium or reading pdf’s scintillating). But the last few weeks have really been chock full o’action, what with the Open, the holidays, and best of all, my weekend with Team Fabulous! doing the Race For the Cure. Although I totally enjoy exploring new cities with my teammates (see Denver and Austin), there was something nifty about welcoming them to New York and being on my own turf. Not to mention, this city is bigger than I could ever know, so I got to explore places I rarely see, like the tourist zones of Rockefeller Plaza and East Midtown, as well as Chinatown, Little Italy, and the Lower East Side. Also, Laguardia Airport and the Bolt Bus lane near the Tick Tock Diner. But aside from those, nearly everything was a first time for me, including the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, the NBC Studio Tour, Sylvia’s, and Dunkin Donuts of Chinatown. No wait, I may have visited there when I last had jury duty. Oh, and a clean apartment, that’s relatively new.
I have to say, I think this was my favorite of all our weekends, although they were all amazing. Maybe it’s the afterglow or maybe New York just is the greatest backdrop in the world. Really, I think I’m just so exhausted as to be delirious. I barely stopped for four days. I did miss my teammates, Teri, Tami, and Rachel, who couldn’t make it, and new teammate Mo, who had to bow out, but we had an amazing crew and a TON of fun (this is not a weight joke, although we did eat a lot). In other good news, I tested out gluten-free rugelach on actual gluten-free people and they scarfed them down, so I’m going to consider that four gluten-free thumbs up! So far, they’re still alive, too. Bonus!
And most importantly, we raised money for a great cause, one which people know is personally meaningful to me. Despite the gray day seen in this picture, you can tell there was a lot of joy involved. Of course, that all dissipated in the wake of the US Open final being rained out but no one yet knew that. I kid – it was all fabulous! Thanks so much to all who donated and made the event such a success. If you’d like to, you can still make a donation to our team through October 31st. I think at that point the witches fly the donations away on their broomsticks. It’s spooky how bad that joke was.
Thanks to all my teammates and all of our donators!
Title from:
Rolling Stones – Miss You