Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Channel finally chooses logo reflecting its actual content

Filed under : Music,TV
On February 9, 2010
At 11:45 pm
Comments : 2

There’s a certain meme amongst Facebook groups of “when I was your age [insert cultural reference of today] not [cultural reference of yesterday].” Like “When I was your age, we had Kenan And Kel, not Drake and Josh” and “When I was your age, we had furbies, not herpes.”

When I saw this article today, I had a few variations of my own.

When I was your age, artists made videos but no one could see them.
When I was your age, I used to set my alarm for 6am to catch the airing of HBO’s Video Jukebox show with The Police video on it.
When I was your age, I spent my friend Caryn’s birthday slumber party glued to MTV; I’d never seen it before. They played Steve Winwood and Hall & Oates.
When I was your age, MTV had commercials on other channels, just so you’d know who they were.
When I was your age, we were excited when MTV came to our cable system.
When I was your age, there were VJ’s and they knew something about music.
When I was your age, there was a concert every Saturday night and a Special every Sunday night. I moped all the way home from my cousin’s Bat Mitzvah upstate because I missed U2 on the Sunday Night Special.
When I was your age, people really won on MTV.
When I was your age, Christmas was a time to say I love you with Martha Quinn and Billy Squier.
When I was your age, we finally got a VCR with big push-down buttons and I could tape Men at Work and Duran Duran.
When I was your age, Michael Jackson could light up the sidewalk and Courtney Cox was just a lucky audience member.
When I was your age, 120 Minutes played New Wave videos in the wee hours of Sunday night/Monday morning. I would have taped it but I couldn’t wait.
When I was your age, wubba wubba wubba, goodbye and God bless.
When I was your age, Riiiiiiiiiiico…. Suaaaaave.
When I was your age, we turned on MTV News as soon as we heard Kurt Cobain died.
When I was your age, videos were Buzzworthy.
When I was your age, I found out about Britney and the Spice Girls and the Backstreet Boys from MTV. And each time, that’s how I knew they’d be huge before they were.
When I was your age, we had Music Television, not Youth Lifestyle Television.

Now that I’m my age, artists make videos and you can see them anytime you want, but it doesn’t feel the same. Also, get off my lawn.

LA Times: MTV drops ‘Music Television’ from the network logo

This was the video I got up at 6am to see, before I’d even heard of VCR’s. Sorry about the commercial beforehand, it was worth it to get the original logo up there.


2 Comments for this post

  1. Julie says:

    I miss *music* television. The “M” should now stand for “monotonous”, if you ask me. 🙁 Reality TV killed the video star.

  2. Becca says:

    I don’t know what it stands for because I haven’t watched it in about ten years. Which is why MTV doesn’t care what I think. 😉

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