Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


It is a special, special day in sports

Filed under : Sports,TV
On February 7, 2010
At 3:30 am
Comments : 4

Just ten days till pitchers and catchers report! (Well, the Yankees… your team may vary). I too will be toasting this event with a lot of snacking and so forth. I was actually invited to a party to celebrate what I assumed, naturally, would be this, but then I found out they’re watching some other hootenanny. No thanks!

I do like to see what chick flick programming the other stations will put together, though. I usually get Gone With the Wind but not, alas, this year. Instead we have a Law & Order marathon (but late model ones, boo!), Titanic, The Sound of Music, Dances With Wolves, and some other crap. And I do mean crap… like six hours of To Catch A Predator. Scary! I think I’m going to go with Get Shorty, which I’ve loved ever since I saw it on a flight to LA in the 90’s and they dubbed out the phrase “plane crash” and replaced it with “train crash.” I never knew he actually faked his death in the air until about ten years later. I hope I’m not giving anything away there in case you missed it when it came out in 1995.

But speaking of parties, here’s a song that I forgot even existed. The video is dumb but the song tells a story I know we can all empathize with. Except me. Sometimes I spend time in the bathroom at parties, if the bathroom is really nice. Or sometimes I’ll get out my cellphone and pretend I’m making an important call. But they didn’t have cellphones in Jona Lewie’s time. He just had the kitchen.