Making plans with Nigel
Can you tell the semester has really started? Because I have no time and nothing to say that’s not in the form of a paper. But I can update my “undone on vacation” list by saying that I have started my thesis. The great thing about my thesis is that every time I tell professors and advisors what I’m planning to do professionally and then what my thesis topic is, they get this confused and concerned look on their faces. But I say, in what interview do they ask the subject of your thesis and so why not pursue something in which I’ve been interested for ages? It’s not like I’ll ever have a chance to do this again unless I end up in academia and I don’t think I’m cut out for that life (on a side note, I now count via Facebook that seven of my friends from high school and college have become college professors… wow).
So, drumroll please, my thesis will be an ethnography of an online community forum. If you happen to know me from an online community forum, you will know which one I am using. So I may be studying you. Don’t be scared, it won’t hurt, and no one will be mentioned by name. Also, it’s not a dissertation so it’s not going to be on any bookshelf. And how many dissertations have you read lately anyway? Thought so.
Soon, I will need to turn in my proposal and thus I am curious to hear from people (from any community forum or no community forum), what “problem” you think should be studied. Because that’s how ethnographies work. I have lots of ideas (mostly about social interaction and cultural norms) so this is really more an intellectual exercise. This is a good place to segue and say, my last post got zero official comments but received the most private e-mails of any post I’ve ever done. I understand why and if you feel like e-mailing me your response to this one, that’s OK too. If you do choose to comment here, try not to mention any forum specifically by name. TIA!
Speaking of my last post, that is, about my other sites, if you like my taste in videos on Are Everything (link in sidebar), then you may also like Radio Nigel. I have been fiddling with Pandora for what I realize is now two years and still cannot get a station I like. I love technology but I really believe a human radio programmer will beat an algorithm every time. I can personally vouch for the fact that this station is super for accompanying the writing of a thesis proposal and I know that’s just what you’re looking for.
As well, there are new items at Cinnagirl (link in the sidebar too) just in time for the Purim holiday, specifically Hamantaschen and giant chocolate chunk cookies made with Guittard chocolate, so support your local thesis writer and sweeten your life simultaneously. It’s like a miracle of physics.
Title is a play on the fabulous:
XTC – Making Plans For Nigel