Whenever I watch Andy Pettitte pitch I whisper “Oh Andy, you think I can not see your face behind that glove, but, yes, oh yes, I can see you. I can see you”.
I say it with a slight French accent.
Yes, I have big problems.
Just your average Conservadox Jewish, Depeche Mode loving, career changing, former rap music selling, K-12 tech-integrating, single gal in the city.
Email me: becca(at)magicjewball(dot)com
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Where’s the picture of the transistor radio you were listening to *during* class?
I wish I could have! But here’s how my Intro to Java desktop looked during my class.
Whenever I watch Andy Pettitte pitch I whisper “Oh Andy, you think I can not see your face behind that glove, but, yes, oh yes, I can see you. I can see you”.
I say it with a slight French accent.
Yes, I have big problems.