Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I’m bored, I’m the chairman of the board

Filed under : Judaism
On October 1, 2009
At 11:30 pm
Comments : 3

Hey, remember how much extra time I said I had? Like today, I left my place at 9am, got home at 9pm, and just got off a 2 hour online conference with my collaborators on a final project for one of my classes. I know how fried I am because I just realize I spelled “place” wrong. Yes, I fixed it. So you know what would be cool? If I took on another project. Yes, I’ve been elected to my co-op board. Most people said they were sorry, as though I had said I was just transferred to Uzbekistan, but I am excited! I just like knowing what’s going on behind the scenes with things. It stems from a childhood going to a school where my parents were on the board, a camp where my father was the chairman and my mother on the board, and a synagogue where my father was the president. I get upset when I don’t find out why so-and-so got fired and such. Plus, I live in a tiny building and I like the other people on the board. Now. But who cares? People liked me better than the other losers who live here!

Anyhoo, another Jewish holiday is upon us, I know because I finally joined the rest of the wired world and got a Google calendar (how else would I suddenly find out that I have three mid-terms/papers due in one week?). And Google calendar says it’s the Festival of Booths so it must be. Also, that the Yankees are playing at 7:08pm tomorrow. That site knows everything! It could also tell you how little time I have (although, wait, I just did that myself) which is why I shall refer you to all my previous Sukkot posts for your personal edification, should you wish to know more. Chag Sameach!

Sukkot 2006
(A couple of my readers may recognize their very own Sukkah there!)

Jew & A: Sukkot

Title comes from:
Iggy Pop – I’m Bored