Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I miss how my spellcheck always made it Whorehouse

Filed under : Music,The Internets
On June 2, 2009
At 11:15 pm
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I don’t have an article from Billboard today, I just wanted to notate that the music industry was already in trouble before the Webernets! Yes, it’s true. It was because the traditional record store was under siege from Best Buy, Circuit City, and other big-box stores that used CD’s as loss leaders to get you to buy a fridge. Ooooh, CD for $9! Let’s buy a new printer too! Lots of stores like Musicland/Sam Goody, Wherehouse, Camelot and Specs (you do remember these stores, right?) were already losing money and floundering. It wasn’t long before they would all be gone. If you still buy CD’s and had to pick up the Fleet Foxes CD at a generic, ugly Best Buy with only the most popular of releases in the few racks left, you know what I mean.

But that’s sad. So let’s turn our attention to the best one-hit wonder of the 90’s to cheer ourselves up, shall we? This song is SO 90’s. The distorted vocals, the exploding head-banging chorus that obliterates the last word of the verse, the lady singer…oh yes, the lady singer. I always wanted to be this woman. The braces! The hair! The weird accent! And yet she was so utterly confident and dead sexy. And she always will be, thanks to this YouTube video. Hope you picked this one up at Whorehouse!