Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


The true meaning of Hot Stove

Filed under : Baseball,Food
On December 5, 2008
At 3:30 pm
Comments : 8

You may wonder, after months without baking, where I am currently getting my cookie supply. Because a life without cookies is just not worth living. I mean, 95% of the reason I paid assorted Brooklyn craftsmen my life savings was so that I’d have a better space in which to make cookies.

The other day, I volunteered to my good friend IrishCardinal that I had deigned to purchase Little Debbie gingerbread people. I think this thought scandalized her and she promptly sent me a box of homemade (in North Carolina, I might add), gingerbread people. I say people, because these were clearly of two genders.

Here, as you can see are A-Rod (he’s the one with the pink lips) and his current squeeze. It’s not Madonna, though. It’s Little Debbie.

Irish says, “His build is more like Sidney Ponson’s, but that’s what hanging out with Little Debbie will get you.”

Ha! But if you are confused, the reason he’s now with Madonna is because soon after this picture was taken, I ate Little Debbie. As you’d expect, she was delicious.

Not only is this the only Madonna song I can stand, I actually love it. Sue me.

Madonna – Like A Prayer


8 Comments for this post

  1. jf says:

    How could you do that. Monster !

  2. Irishcardinal says:

    I’m glad to see my A-Rod made your blog. Too bad his Little Debbie is no longer in the picture [aside from this picture].
    I hear A-Rod reads MagicJewball, um, religiously.

  3. KP says:

    There are too many places to go with the phrase “I ate Little Debbie” so I think I’ll just stop before I start.

    Hey Irish, you missed ARod’s hghlights!

    And Madonna has a few good songs, mostly from before she became a living breathing piece of beef jerky.

  4. Irishcardinal says:

    Ohhh, the highlights. I think I was out of golden icing by then.

  5. Becca says:

    People, I have news.

    I ate A-Rod. I know, I’m not the only one.

    I really am a monster.

  6. Irishcardinal says:

    Well,I hope he was worth it.

  7. KP says:

    Once again, too many places to go with the “I ate A-Rod” statement.

  8. Becca says:

    Totally worth it. And not just because when I bit off his head, dollars came out.

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