Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I’d much rather bribe or flatter you

Filed under : Meta/Blognews
On July 11, 2008
At 1:30 pm
Comments : 5

Sorry about this whole “lack of posts on blog which is supposed to contain posts” but it’s been a crazy-busy week and now it will also be a busy weekend. This is to say, don’t expect anything. That way, you won’t be disappointed! That’s kind of the way I go through life.

But in the meantime, my abandoned blog has diligently been catching spam comments and I may as well share them with you. Here are the first five (the others are pretty much more of the same theme):

Your site looks great! Best of luck to you.

This is a great web site. I have some great web pages myself if you are interested to share. But I should not go on about my site too much, that is not fair, right?

We loved the site, really loved it!

howdy I quite enjoyed this website .

Thank you, I just wanted to give a greeting and tell you I enjoyed reading your material.

Well howdy yourself! Like the spam e-mail for phallic enlargement I received today with the header “Tabitha Stevens returns to the big screen,” I kind of wonder how they came up with these.

“Not fair,” huh? No, please, go on about “21st century car insurance auto insurance quote florida,” I am fascinated.

But I am tempted in these days of Summer posting inertia to actually let these slip through. We LOVED the way the same post stayed on top five days this week. You are AWESOME!!!! Online poker 4ever!

Flattery: it gets you everywhere but through the spam filter.

Title comes from this song I truly adore:
The Church – Ripple