Magic Jewball

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Post-Purim updates

Filed under : Etc.
On March 23, 2008
At 12:05 pm
Comments : 7

Hope everyone had a delightful Purim and/or is having a happy Easter!

First off, the bake sale is over but thank you so much! It was hugely successful and we’ll have another one late this year with a different kind of treat (maybe rugelach will make a repeat appearance). Sorry for the lack of posts but I wanted that one to stay on top, plus I was busy baking. And will be for a while!

Second, for those who are interested in the aftermath of the Station Fire, there is a special tonight at 10pm on VH1. There was a tribute concert and excerpts of that will be shown as well.

Lastly, I did not, in fact, win the contest on Randa Clay’s site for my Just.Do.It post (boo! hiss!) but I think it was more meant for tech and practical blogs, rather than personal ones. As well, I was going to write that post anyway if not exactly framed that way, so it’s OK. And I was glad to inspire and get inspired by the various comments.

Oh, and an update on something I mentioned on a Page: Nalby lost at Indian Wells this week. But I don’t mind! He lost to Chokemaster Mardy Fish, my second favorite player who then went on to beat… Roger Federer! He’s in the final today. Godspeed, Chokemaster!


7 Comments for this post

  1. Paige says:

    I’m watching The Station show right now. Thank you for making me more aware of the fund, especially as a music fan.

    And thank you for the most delicious cookies……they are heavenly! (and almost gone).

  2. Randa Clay says:

    Thanks for participating in the group writing project Becca. I did really like your post and it was easily among the best of the bunch. In fact, I was inspired to get out there and run myself. That program you’re using sounds like it’s great!

  3. Becca says:

    Paige, I’m so glad they showed it and the donation line ran at the bottom. I really think it’s a scandal how little help they’ve gotten from my industry. Shame on us and big ups to the musicians who took part.

    And I’m happy you liked them – thanks for donating!

    Randa, thanks so much for visiting and letting me know that. I really love your blog and have it on my reader. And I’m so excited that you got running! I always thought it was for other people, but Couch to 5k and programs like it can turn almost anyone into a runner. If this couch potato can do it, anyone can. 😀

  4. KP says:

    At least Roger still has those razor commercials to fall back on.

  5. kb says:

    I got mine today! Love your last name on the envelope, lol. Thank You!!!

  6. Deas says:

    The Gods were not smiling on Mardy for playing on a Saturday?

    We’re going next year!

  7. Becca says:

    Thanks, kb! Luckily the mailbox doesn’t check ID.

    Deas, he’s not Jewish! But I think, in any event, it was No-Djok who wasn’t smiling on him.

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