Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Give dough, get cookies

Filed under : Food,Judaism
On March 17, 2008
At 2:47 pm
Comments : 13

Ever since I did my rugelach bake sale for charity, several people have asked me if I would do the same thing with Hamantaschen, those filled triangular cookies of awesomeness. And so, I have decided to do it! Here is my post from last year describing the process of cookie-creating, should you not be 100% sure what I’m talking about. Hamantaschen are named for the villain of the Purim story, Haman (he wanted to kill the Jews, so trendy!) and Purim is this Friday. Another important thing to do on Purim is to give gifts to those in need so check out how well that works out!

This time we have two exciting charities to choose from as well as two flavors of Hamantaschen. You can see all the details and the method to acquire these tasty treats on my new Bake Sale page. The picture is not of my own cookies, but you get the idea. So get your orders in and we’ll celebrate giving to good causes with tasty treats.

Edited to add: for those who didn’t order last time, it is a medium-sized (4 cup) Gladware container.

Edited again to add: last day to order is Saturday 3/22.

Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)


13 Comments for this post

  1. Judy C says:

    My guess is you are going to be a busy girl. Congrats on the whole running thing too – pretty amazing journey.

  2. CajunQueen says:

    Wow! I like it when charity goes hand in hand with Jewish holidays! Love the Nutella on anything. After reading your last post on running, I went and purchased a new nano, kit, and Nike+ shoes. Okay, I was inspired to say the least. You had discussed running last year and this was my way of deciding for myself to get moving.
    ****We enjoyed the rugelach treats too!

  3. Becca says:

    Judy, I hope so! And thank you, it’s really felt like that.

    Cajun, it does indeed, and especially on this one.

    I’m so excited that you’re getting into it! I think you will totally love it and the Nike+ makes the whole thing even more fun. Good for you!

    And thanks!

  4. Alfa says:


    Purim is my favoritest holiday.

  5. Girlnextdoortn says:

    No Doctors without Borders this time? Mebbe you can do a blackandwhite Cookie Without Borders to raise dollars for that one.

    What a great idea, Becca. Will see if I can scrounge up bucks for treats.

  6. Becca says:

    Don’t forget the requirement to get drunk, Alfa. Mmmmm, drunk…..

    Girl, I mentioned that at the end of my running post. I thought I’d give a couple of others a chance this time. Don’t worry! There will be other bake sales in the future (isn’t Hannukah just around the corner? maybe not).

    I’ll edit the post to say, Saturday will be the last day to order so you can think about it another few days if you like.

  7. kb says:

    such a choice of charities you offer! Even though my mom is a bc survivor (and several aunts have fought it, and I probably have it lurking inside me waiting to pounce), I decided that you made such a good case for the station family fund that they deserved my dollars more. I’ll be walking in my local Komen walk/run next sept so they’ll get my money then.

    Do Hamantaschen freeze as well as rugelach do?

  8. Alfa says:

    How could I forget the drinking?

    I wonder what flavor of bourbon goes best with Nutella Hamantaschen?

  9. Becca says:

    kb, that’s why I offered both! I know everyone has their favorite cause but I hoped this would at least give people something closer to what they support. They are both good causes. It’s these kinds of things that make me wish I had more to give. Or that I didn’t spend so much money at iTunes.

    Alfa, I can’t be sure, but you remind me that your bourbon BBQ sauce would be awesome for the Purim meal.


  10. Deas says:

    Becca, we need to talk. I’m trying to order, but your shipping to the Great White North must exceed $5.00, no?

    Do I make the Komen donation when Team GDT is “up” again?

    Off topic.
    DH spent the day at Indian Wells, he’s going again for a couple more days. DD and I will join him in Palm Springs on Friday

  11. Becca says:

    Deas, let’s talk! I am not part of Team GDT. I am doing a low-key thing in Philly with Meesh and a few others. Follow the link on the Hamantaschen Bake Sale page to reach my donation page.

    As for postage, hm, you are probably right. You can e-mail me at becca (at) magicjewball (dot) com to let me know your zip code and I can then find out how much it would cost.

    Indian Wells! I’m so jealous! Nalby is there. Losing, probably, but I’m too busy baking to find out.

  12. NOOOOOOOO! OH no. I missed the deadline and I wanted to reorder sooooo much. Does it make any diff if I missed the deadline because I was in the ambulance being taken to the ER with a goosesegg the size of, well, a goose’s egg on my forehead? And that my knees are brutally abraded, as are my boobs (don’t think about that, as it’s really horrid). Yes, I fell while running–first time ever. 🙁 Oh well. It’ll be ok. I’ll make a triple order next year, if you sell them again (Oh, I hope you sell them again next year!!!)

    OK, off for tonight’s run. On my treadmill, you can bet your ass!! And with a really good bra!!

  13. Becca says:

    So sorry, Linda! Especially after all that. I send you a virtual sympathy Hamantaschen and rest assured I will be doing this again next year as well as a different cookie even before that. Feel better!

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