Magic Jewball

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iPod song of the week – The Shins

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On January 6, 2008
At 2:15 pm
Comments : 8

Oh God, it was painful just typing that header. I’m so not a Shins fan. I hated the movie Garden State and find them overhyped and I just don’t get them. Except this song! Here’s what happened, and as promised in a comment, it has to do with the Radiohead New Year’s special called “Scotch_Mist.” I tried to watch it online on their site at midnight British time, but it wasn’t happening. Bleah. But then I saw it was also being shown on something called Current TV which actually exists in my universe of cable channels. Score!

But enough about Radiohead (I think I’ve written quite a bit). After the special ended there were a bunch of commercials, one of which was a concert film made about the Shins. Now, as I mentioned, I don’t care much about the Shins but the film seemed innovative because it was made up of film taken by concert-goers with their cell phones and pocket cameras. Neat! And hard to watch. But never mind, I only saw the part in the commercial. And I was mesmerized by the song they were playing. Yowzah, it was good. It’s weird to say this, because I’m not a Beach Boys fan at all, but it sounded like the Beach Boys. The chord changes on the vocals were hypnotic, so wistful and beautiful.

So because I love The Record Store in My Computer, I Googled the one line I could understand, “and they could float above the grass,” found the song, and downloaded it from Amazon. Now it’s the only thing besides Radiohead I listen to! It’s just hypnotically beautiful and sounds a little like a modernized version of something the bands at Arnold’s Diner used to play on Happy Days.

The Shins – Phantom Limb

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.


8 Comments for this post

  1. Melanie says:

    You hated Garden State? What kind of humorless crazy person are you?

  2. Becca says:

    It’s true! Anyone can tell you I have no sense of humor at all!

    But it’s possible I was laughing in my sleep; I actually did fall asleep midway through. I just couldn’t bear it.

  3. KP says:

    Yeah, I’m not a big fan of that movie either. I wanted to slap Natalie Portman throughout the entire thing, even when she wasn’t on screen. She redeemed herself in Closer though, so it’s all good.

    I can’t believe you had never heard this song Bec. It’s delightful, and I always thought it was reminiscent of the Beach Boys as well.

    And I can’t stop listening to Radiohead either.

  4. Becca says:

    Pay attention! I don’t listen to The Shins. 😛

  5. KP says:

    I hear that song almost every day on the radio.

  6. Soxy says:

    I actually already own this song! I feel so cool now.

  7. Becca says:

    You need a new station; it’s at least a year old. But seriously, I can’t remember whether XM’s Ethel played it or not (it’s the only station I listen to on Satellite/Internet that would, and I haven’t listened to terrestrial in years) but if they did, I probably switched the station when I saw the “Coming Soon: The Shins!” tag. Luckily they never have that tag on the All Radiohead station.

    YaY, Soxy! But you were already cool.

  8. KP says:

    I only listen to that station when I am bored between CDs. I have my Radiohead CD to keep me warm right now so it’s all good.

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