Magic Jewball

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iPod song of the week – Donna Summer

Filed under : iPod Song of the Week
On November 11, 2007
At 7:45 pm
Comments : 10

Disco, baby!

When I was a small child, sort of like you see in that photo on the right, I was mostly a rock fan. Also that “Somebody Come and Play” song from Sesame Street. But I had a soft spot for disco, especially Donna Summer. You see, even then I could tell the quality amongst the dreck, and Donna Summer was quality disco. First off, those pipes. On some songs she sounds like a gospel singer, on others totally sultry. And then there was the melody and craft. It was like people wrote their best disco songs for her. You notice there were no Ring My Bells for Donna.

Back then, listening to disco was hard. I mean, sure, they played it all the time on the AM radio I listened to, but I was too young to have a stereo and none of my sibs would allow the stuff to touch their turntables. Life was tough. Then the other day, I suddenly realized that I am a grown-up (sort of) and downloaded her greatest hits from iTunes. Take that!

This is not actually my favorite song by her. That would be “Dim All the Lights” but it sounds kind of dated and I realized I only loved it because I had loved it then. I know, I know, don’t they all sound dated? Well, admittedly so. But after giving the hits another listen, I found that this song still holds up lo after all these years. Maybe it’s the Kraftwerk-esque drumming, the human croon over the machine beats, I don’t know. But this is still IT.

Donna Summer – I Feel Love

Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.