iPod song of the week – Editors
Looky here, it’s a current song. I do actually listen to new music (thank you, XM Radio) but that’s not the usual point of this exercise. However, every so often a song or album comes along that is just so good I have to share. I’m in love, people. In love with the Editors’ new album “An End Has A Start.” If you know that I like Interpol (and hell, it’s right there in the sidebar), this won’t really shock you. Actually, in my disappointment at the new Interpol release, this has kind of been a balm. It’s da balm! It’s the record Interpol should have been. Well, no, they really are different. For one thing, Editors’ lyrics actually make sense. Oh snap!
Anyway, it’s kind of a sad album but really catchy and melodic. It’s got beautiful lines like, “I watch as your eyes show off for mine.” And the lead singer’s voice is just killer, although I knew that from the first CD, which you should also get. This is the title track and single, or at least the song they play on XM Ethel. Which means it’s the single. Last week when the IRT went down due to signal malfunction, I walked all the way to another line, then across from that line back home, with this song on repeat. And it kept me from killing anyone!
Listen, enjoy, buy.
Editors – An End Has A Start (not available on Napster but is available on iTunes)
Streaming audio available on the iPod Song of the Week page.