Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Nalbandian’s upset? How do you think I feel?

Filed under : Sports,Tennis
On July 18, 2007
At 11:40 pm
Comments : 4

Maybe it was a will to remain ignorant that kept me from updating Where in the World is David Nalbandian?. Because I know what the answer is: who cares, because wherever it is, he’ll be out really quickly. And lo and behold, when I skimmed down the list of sports stories in the online edition of today’s Times and caught Nalby’s name, I knew it couldn’t be good.

These two sentences encompass all of the NY Times’ tennis reporting for the day.

Igor Kunitsyn? Even I don’t know who the hell that is. Things are looking pretty grim. Nalbandian will never catch the Red Sox now.

The Wrens – Hopeless