A fish story
As I told Kay in a comment on her blog, I watch the news from France2 each night because, as you will recall, I’m too lazy to do my French lessons. It’s both a blessing and a curse that it’s not actually translated word-for-word but rather summarized for you in a terse subtitle. Even I with my sad-ass French can hear things spoken that aren’t being written. But sometimes that helps me figure things out for myself and enables me to use my swear-word-rich vocabulary to hurl epithets at the translators. But I digress. Here was a fun piece the other day about a breed of carp which have overpopulated the Mississippi. It’s sad, really, because the fishermen don’t know what to do with all them carp. But have no fear! There is a market. Here’s our reporter with the story, as my favorite anchor, twinkly-eyed weekend guy Laurent Delahousse (above), would say. Except more French.
Golly, then who will buy all these fish?
Oh right, the Chinese. They’re weird. Anyone else?
Oh yes, the vast Jewish gefilte fish market! Why, we eat that at every meal! “Thank God the Jews have such an insatiable palate for gefilte fish,” said the fishermen. “We’re saved!” But we know that Americans don’t like carp. So I guess Jews aren’t American. Or maybe they mean French Jews. I’m sure they’re just jonesing for new sources of carp.
OK, I admit it, this is the real reason I watch this show. You just don’t get enthusiastic on-location segments like this in America outside of hurricane season.
Here’s a little something for Kay and everyone else frustrated with Versus pronunciation: Audio Sound File.