Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I’m sorry, Oprah will not be shown today

Filed under : New York City
On June 27, 2007
At 4:55 pm
Comments : 5

So there’s a blackout and many of the trains are out (clearly there’s electricity where I am or I wouldn’t be posting this). It’s the summer, it’s Con Ed, I get it. But this? This is an outrage!

mta info

MTA, I know this will shock you but when something goes wrong, as it inevitably will in this city, a lot of people will want to have a gander at your website. It might be a good idea to be able to handle the traffic.

Title comes from ABC/Channel 7 news… actually, what they said was, “we’re sorry, for those of you counting on Oprah, we won’t be showing it today.” I understand. I’m sorry for those counting on Oprah too.

The Lovin’ Spoonful – Summer In The City


5 Comments for this post

  1. sarpon says:

    You must be terribly brave if you’d even think of getting on the subway knowing their server is down.

  2. KP says:

    Kill me if I ever have to count on Oprah for anything.

  3. Becca says:

    Sarpon, you’re closer to the truth than you think, as later in the news, after the electricity came back, they said the subway system had to be “rebooted.” I seriously thought it was run with gears and an abacus.

    I count on Oprah to remind me that I’m happy I don’t rely on Oprah.

  4. Alex says:

    I happen to have been in the grocery store this weekend, and I saw on the cover of the Globe that Oprah’s doctors have given her only six years to live. Mark my words: when she shuffles off this mortal coil, you all are going to regret having snarked about her.

  5. Becca says:

    I regret nothing!

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