Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Things observed

Filed under : Etc.
On June 11, 2007
At 4:00 pm
Comments : 11

A disparate photo essay.

Kriss Kross plaqueSeen:
On the sidewalk (for sale amongst other fancee art, you can see) while walking home the other day.

1. Was the person whose name was on this plaque desperate for cash or desperately embarrassed?
2. Whatever happened to Kriss Kross?
3. Will I be reduced to doing this at some point in my life? (answer: surely yes).

French textbookSeen:
In one of my French instruction books.

Maybe it’s because we don’t have the tu/vous issue. Or maybe it’s just because of the president we have.

Yankees bucket hat night adSeen:
During recent Yankee game broadcasts on the Yes Network.

What genius at Supercuts thought it was a good idea to do a bucket hat giveaway to promote their hair salons? Not that I haven’t needed one after exiting that place.

Related to none of this, please check out my and other bloggers’ license plate handiwork over on Arjewtino’s delightful site. (Corrected… stupid typo).

Kris Kross – I Missed The Bus