Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Look, I’m watching the Nalbandian match!

Filed under : Tennis,The Internets
On May 30, 2007
At 10:50 am
Comments : 5

What, you didn’t think they were showing it on TV, did you? Hell, maybe they are but I don’t get the Tennis Channel at work. But let’s face it, they’re probably not. This method is just so fulfilling, though, isn’t it? And as you can see, Nalby just won a point on his own serve! Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles.

Live blogging updates:

Rain delay! Merde.

Ack! They started again and I didn’t notice! Just in time to catch Nalby winning a game, however. Here’s the exact second, captured for posterity.

Match Point.

2:04 pm
Wow, great match. What thrills! Those numbers changing back and forth really held my interest. Thanks!


5 Comments for this post

  1. Alex says:

    Am I supposed to be watching anybody else besides David Nalbandian?

    Like, should I be keeping tabs on that Andy Roddick guy? 😉

  2. Becca says:

    Sure. Right now he’s on a plane home after losing in the first round. You can probably follow along on Flight Tracker.

    In other news, Nalby won the first set, 7-5. Stay tuned.

  3. KP says:

    So I guess we know where David is then.

    So where is Roger Federererer? With David?

  4. Becca says:

    Of course we do! We’ve all read Where in the World is David Nalbandian, haven’t we?

  5. KP says:

    If I get my own blog when I grow up, I may have to give Roger his own section. I feel he is being shunned a bit. Poorerer guy.

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