Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Yes, in the face!

Filed under : Sports
On May 28, 2007
At 6:30 pm
Comments : 2

As an update to my earlier mention of Johns Hopkins making it to the lacrosse final, I just wanted to make sure everyone was definitively informed that they are now the champions! And it made it to the front of! Yes, I know that it’s only because it ruined the comeback of the non-rapists at Duke, but, y’know, I’ll take what I can get. Especially after two days of French Open rainouts. (aside to the new president, please look into the whole weather situation, TIA!)

If you haven’t seen Coming to America lately, the title of this post is indeed stolen from one of its many genius scenes, and it does seem to suit the picture exceptionally well.

(click to enlarge)

Edited to add: In other update news, congratulations to the person at the University of Paris who was the first person to reach my 404/Error page in the natural way. Special mention goes to which sent you there. I dedicate “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” to both of you.


2 Comments for this post

  1. KP says:

    What? No song?

    Would “We Are The Champions” by Queen be too obvious a choice for this post?


  2. Becca says:

    It’s just because it’s an update. An addendum, if you will.


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