Like the weather
Could there be anything more self-referential than a soaking wet newspaper with a giant front page story about the hugh jass storms? I’d say this guy should get his money back but it’s my understanding that no one actually pays for The Sun.
I did my best to avoid all this by staying indoors all day yesterday, even foregoing a half-block trip to the bodega for milk. But yet, it seems to be dragging on and on. Of course, it could be worse. The weather guy on NY1 this morning stated that, had it been snow, we would have received six feet. Yowzah.
Or, I could just reflect on the fact that yesterday was Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and there’s just been a school shooting with 31 dead so far (which I found out about, bizarrely, in my Le Monde RSS feed) and feel bad that I felt bad about some rain and wind and flooding. But at least now I know what’ll be on the front page of tomorrow’s soaking wet newspaper: “Crazy People + Guns: Still A Bad Combo.”
And, by the way, the first thing I heard when I did turn on the news was about violent video games, which I’m sure were the direct cause of this. After the break: presidential candidates react to the shooting. Gosh, I wonder what they’ll say!
Living in Waterworld is just looking better and better.
10,000 Maniacs – Like The Weather
Edited to add: Good luck to all the J-Ball readers running the Boston Marathon in this hellacious weather, especially Top Commenter, Soxy!