Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Never be the same

Filed under : Life in general
On December 29, 2006
At 4:15 am
Comments : 18

As much as I’d like to do a blogyear wrap-up, my blog is only nine months old. So look for that in March. We’ll just call March to February the blogyear, shall we? Instead, why don’t I just be a little self-centered (it’s my blog and I am omnipotent!) and wrap up my own year. Here’s a confession which many people already know and others have figured out (my readers are smart, S-M-R-T): lots of things went on in my life this year about which I did not write. Many days, it was all I could do to write something innocuous when several bizarre and dramatic and realityshowesque things were happening to me. This was easily the strangest year of my life which isn’t hard as, despite my tales of getting sampled on people’s CD’s and meeting famous people, I consider my life pretty humdrum. Not this year, however. I’m free to tell you this because my drama is now over. Parts of it were really good and parts of it were really bad, just like American Idol.

So about the whole New Year’s thing. Everyone loves New Year’s. I mean, there’s the party aspect but it’s really because if you had a good year, you’re looking forward to more of the same and if you had a bad year, you’re looking forward to a whole new start. I’m not really sure which I had. How do you sum that up? Is it how you finished compared to how you started? Is it an averaging of all the happy and unhappy moments of your year?

I’m going to go ahead and use the criteria that politicians use when they want you to vote for them or against the other guy (I suppose it’s always one of the two or both). That is, am I better off now than I was one year ago? The answer is, yes, I absolutely am. And why is that? Because I’m a different and better person based on my experiences this year. Of course you change every year but the changes aren’t always as obvious as mine are to me this particular year. I’d share what they are but this is far as guts-spilling JBall style gets.

So what made this year so psyche-changing? First off, naturally, is that this year brought me this blog. It’s changed my life in so many fantastic ways and enabled me to do something I’ve dreamed of since I was a child (I think maybe one or two of my readers can testify to this although they are lurkers so don’t look for a comment), that is, entertain people with my writing. Luckily for you, the novels I wrote as a teenager and early twenty-something will not be dragged out for your perusal.

My year was split pretty much into two parts. The first half was spent mourning my mother which in Jewish tradition entails abstaining from parties, movies, live music, TV (although I still watched sports, news, and dramas), and generally not being part of the flow of life. If you’ve been reading since then, you also know that I said special prayers every day, necessitating a trip to synagogue and further curtailing my lifestyle.

Just as that was finishing up, smack at the midpoint of the year, the dramatic things started to happen and they pulled me out of that and yanked me right back into the flow of life. I’m really grateful for that. But beyond that, it changed me as a person in ways I’m just beginning to realize. Perhaps most astoundingly, I inadvertently helped change someone else’s life completely and learned the powerful effect people can have on each other’s lives. Or maybe I learned that from It’s A Wonderful Life

But anyway, just now, as that event was ending, something’s just happened to redirect things once again. Because sometimes when one person leaves your life, another enters or re-enters, just like your life is a play. Since you know I’m a person of faith, you know I’m grateful to the Director for that.

And to you, my much-appreciated audience, I say: it’s been a good year, bring on 2007.

Crowded House – Never Be The Same


18 Comments for this post

  1. Jane says:

    Dramatic stuff happened to you this year? I had no idea.

    I love that I can always depend on you for a good Crowded House song.

    Bring on Aught-Seven, I say!

  2. Trish says:

    Lurker here 🙂 I just wanted to say thanks for the blog. It has been a lot of fun reading it – I look forward to new entries. Anyway, I hope 2007 brings you much happiness – and I hope it brings us (your readers) more blogging from you!

  3. Sarpon says:

    Bekkele! What can I say but that I wish you such nachos in 2007 that you wouldn’t believe it!

  4. Becca says:

    I really should have written you more letters about it, Jane.

    Trish, welcome! Thanks & happy new year.

    Thank you, Sarpon. Mmmmm, nachos….

  5. Julia says:

    I am posting the same thing on both The JewBall and Duchess Jane because, while I don’t know the specifics of what happened to you ladies in 2006, I reacted to both of your most recent posts in the same way – tears. It’s all hitting so close to home for me. 2006 has been one of the most intense years that I can recall for pretty much everyone I know, including me, and from what I can gather it seems as if you guys may be no exception. I have been mentally writing my personal wrap-up post for about a week now (have I actually been blogging for a whole week now?), and I still don’t know what to say. Anyway, I guess what it boils down to is all the wishes and prayers in the world for love and peace (inner and outer)to you two (and everyone else)in 2007. No regrets, 2006, but buh-bye.

  6. Jan says:

    The S-M-R-T thing kills me every time.

    Here’s to 2007!

  7. Becca says:

    Julia, welcome and, I agree, I have no regrets on anything that happened to me this year. Each thing was worth it in its own way. But I am ready to start fresh.

    And this post was in my head for probably two weeks. I revised it umpteen times both in my mind and onscreen.

    Thanks, Jan, happy new year!

  8. RN says:

    Great post. I am counting your blog as a highlight for my 2007.

    I know, I need to get a life but I truly am glad that I found you and your blogs friendship in 2007.

    Peace to you and yours.

  9. Becca says:

    Thank you, RN, you too. Please don’t get a life.

    Speaking of, clearly I haven’t posted yet in 2007, but there is at least a new iPod song of the week.

    Disclaimer: I cannot be sued for annoying iPod songs of the week.

  10. KP says:

    I have been so busy and crazy and sick that I have not been paying attention to the Jball as I should, but what can I say here that I haven’t already told you my friend? You were there with me through some of my best and worst memories of 2006 and mere words can not express how much you mean to me, so I will say it via interpretive dance next time we are together.

    You already know how much I love Erasure and that song. The Scrubs episode that features it is hysterical. We will have to watch it together someday.

    Here’s to a 2007 filled with light, love and laughter. You deserve all of that and more, including cupcakes.

  11. Lydia says:

    Happy New Year to you, Becca (and all the other commenters, here). Thanks for sharing your wit and wisdom.

  12. Becca says:


    Sorry for the lack of posting; circumstances beyond my control. Back soon. The crow flies at midnight, yadda yadda yadda.

  13. twenchi says:

    Ah. And that, my dear, is what life is.

    You experience things, you learn, you grow.

    I’m glad you don’t have regrets, you shouldn’t. None of us should.

    It is the sum of our experiences that make us who we are.

    Never regret who you are.

  14. Emeraldmph says:

    Kudos, Becca, and here’s to a great 2007.

  15. Becca says:

    Very wise, Twenchi and thank you, Em.

    How cryptic, Dah. If you need to edit that, let me know.

  16. Dah says:

    I kind of like it the way it is. The purple dumbass flies at noon.

  17. Becca says:

    OK, that one I get.

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