Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


A quick one before I go away

Filed under : Rants
On November 10, 2006
At 8:21 am
Comments : 9

It’s too late to say this to the happy couple whose wedding I’ll be attending this weekend (mazel tov!) but, hey, I can still say it to the rest of you, can’t I? You single people, that is. Listen, if you are both over thirty and have lived in New York 10 years or more, and maybe one of you (the groom, obviously) has lived here all his life, for the love of God, please do not drag me to your home town for your wedding.

I know, I know, you (or perhaps your mother) have dreamed of a wedding in your locality your whole life and all of your parents’ friends still live there! I’m so thrilled that things will be convenient for them, I really am. But for the rest of us, your adult friends and relatives who are all clustered in the NY area, whywhywhy must we take a day off work, scrunch our nicest clothes into suitcases and our liquids into ziplocs, and pay for airfare and a hotel? I hear so much about how it’s the bride’s day but she isn’t paying for all that, is she?

I’d rant some more but I have a plane to Coldtown to catch.


The Who – A Quick One, While He’s Away