Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


Can’t you feel the warmth of my sincerity?

Filed under : Music
On August 17, 2006
At 3:30 pm
Comments : 13

Doesn’t record for my label.

You may remember that I told you most of our bands were crap, and they are. That’s why they sell. Of course, there are a few I like and one or two I might have even purchased if I didn’t work here. But I guess the elusive goal would be a band I really loved and cared about, maybe even idolized, like at some of the previous labels where I worked. For the past year this actually seemed to be within reach! Yes, we were courting Interpol. I’m not giving anything away by saying this; ten labels were, if not more. But now they’ve signed with someone else and I have to admit, I’m crushed.

When I was first starting out, I actually turned down a job because I didn’t like any of the artists at the label. Ha, that’d never happen now. And yet, I long for something. Something like running into Paul Banks in the hallway. I suppose that would have meant taking down all the sexy Paul Banks pictures in my office, though. That would have been a drag. Yes, I’m sure I’m better off. Although, it would have been fun to finally find out what “friends don’t waste wine when there are words to sell” meant. Oh, who am I kidding, it’s pretentious bullshit. I can say that now because he’s not making me any money.

I know this all pales in comparison to the news that they caught JonBenet’s killer, but you know, it’s the little things that affect me. Like what kind of crap I have to push for a living.

Title comes from

Interpol – Not Even Jail


13 Comments for this post

  1. KP says:

    I’d do him.

  2. Paige says:

    Wouldn’t you have loved to work for Factory Records? I mean, minus all the drugs and such.

  3. donniesgirlme says:

    Great song! I’m an Interpol virgin. I assume the guy pictured here is Paul Banks??? Nice!!

    I’ll have to hop over to the I Store and download this song. Thanks to Becca my Ipod is sporting all kinds of fabulous songs now.

  4. Jan says:

    Oh, Bec, I’m so sorry. I know you were excited about that possibility.

    In other music news, have you heard Thom Yorke’s new single? Crappitycrapcrap. IMHO.

  5. KP says:

    I’m not feeling that one either Jan. I was excited about The Killers new CD but I am not really into their new single either.

  6. Jan says:

    The New Killers single is growing on me, KP, but I didn’t like it at first, either. I’ll definitely get the album when it comes out.

  7. Becca says:

    No, I’m pleased I didn’t work at Factory because I’d be 20 years older. Plus they never made a dime. Everything else would have been OK, though.

    Yes, that’s Paul, contemplating his new contract, no doubt.

    I have the new Thom CD and no, I wasn’t wowed.

    The problem for The Killers (and most bands putting out second albums) is that they had their whole lives to write the first one but just a year or two to write the second.

  8. KP says:

    Oh I will definitely get the New Killers CD too. I love them. The new song just didn’t wow me on the first listen. I am sure with repeated listening I will like it more, and then FM radio will eventually make me want to kick a puppy everytime I hear it.

  9. RN says:

    As a fellow human in sales, I hear you.

  10. Sarpon says:

    Magicjewball jones…. I got a Magicjewball jones….

    Shabbat has been over for at least eleven hours. Come on, I’m in a bad way here!

  11. Becca says:

    Oh, I never get up before noon on Sunday. Check out the new iPod song(s) of the week, though! Because I just know you’re a big hip-hop fan.

  12. Sarpon says:

    I do have big hips, that much is true.

  13. KP says:

    Good songs this week Bec!

    P.S. I can’t believe I am the only one who said they would do Paul Banks (well, we know you would Bec…)

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