Bleeding Gums Jewball
Do you feel my pain? I hope not, because I am in some serious pain. And that’s on Vicodin. I might as well just admit that I’m just writing this post to occupy myself for the next 45 minutes until I can take my next Vike. Ow ow ow ow.
Yes, I had a couple (that’s 50% if you are the math type and really, even if you’re not) of my wisdom teeth out this afternoon.
I think the thing I wanted to share most was from the instructions they gave me post-op. They said “keep fingers and tongue away from area.” Oooooh kayyyy. First off, I am not the kind of person that a. sticks my fingers all the way to the back of my jaw or b. likes to touch bleeding gums on a regular basis. But second, uh, my tongue is kind of stuck there. What exactly am I supposed to do about that? They should have just glued it to the other side of my mouth if they were so worried about it.
Also, I must admit I am kind of disappointed in this Vicodin stuff. It just kills pain! It doesn’t make me loopy or out of it at all. I really need to be out of it since there are two open wounds in my mouth and it’s impossible not to be reminded of it EVERY SINGLE SECOND. And I can’t take it with alcohol which means that option for making myself out of it is not available. I’m not allowed to smoke anything either, before you suggest that.
And if that all wasn’t bad enough, while I was out cold recovering from being tortured, they stuck a Snoopy/Joe Cool band-aid on the spot where the IV had gone in. Come on now. That’s just insulting.