Reader of the Month – August!
Yes, you’ve seen her fractured sense of humor in my comments, her staunch defense of the Yankees, her belief that she is married to Jason Giambi, Andy Phillips, or both, but have you seen that she visits my site 85 times a day? No, of course not, only I can see that. Either way, the ROTM for August is KP! KP used to post as Anonymous but then sign her posts KP. That’s just the kind of humor I can get behind. But if it isn’t clear enough that KP loves J-Ball, witness the fact that when a new post isn’t available, she uses this handy substitute.
More gushy things about KP. All this J-Ball reading goes on while she is busy studying how to heal people by touching them a lot. At least that’s how I understand it. It’s a popular field, I think. And watching Family Guy, that’s important for her work. Also, you know how birds and forest creatures flocked to Disney’s Cinderella? Well, if you’d like to know what kind of person KP is, be aware that butterflies naturally flock to her crotch. She just has that kind of magic.
KP also sent in a picture which reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where everyone starts calling Elaine, “Nip.” But this is a family blog! Speaking of which, KP has a lovely family, despite the fact that she is mid-way between Boston and NY and so has a son who supports that Other Team. Here’s a picture of her and the son who has the correct loyalties. Like any good mother, KP wanted to protect his identity from insane Red Sox fans, and so I obliged.
And did I mention that Mr. KP has fit right into the group of my friends’ helpful husbands? Yes, he helped me reset my circuit breaker over the phone. I love that in someone else’s husband. Here’s the happy, electrified couple.
But as much as I could say about KP, this is the song that most reminds me of her, and not just because she’s a Pretenders fan. No, this sort of Chrissy Hynde, ballsy chick, that’s the KP I know. And now, so do you. Thanks, KP! Keep on touching people!