Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


With a little help from my friends…and their husbands

Filed under : Meta/Blognews
On July 30, 2006
At 12:25 am
Comments : 16

The other day, Culotte wrote me to inveigle her way into my blog by sharing this conversation she had with her husband, N., which she surely knew would make it to the pages of J-Ball. Being the sucker that I am, I reproduce it for you here.

C: “Wow, your dad reads my blog? Weird.”
N: “Yup. He reads Magic Jewball, too.”
C: “Well, it’s a good blog.”
N: “I like her blog. Mostly ’cause she’s Jewish.”
C: “Yeah.”
N: “And she’s magic.”

Besides making me feel all warm and fuzzy, this confirmed for me that 85% of my male readership comes from the fathers, brothers, and husbands of my original readers. World Cup Lisa’s husband even links to me on his blog. Jan’s husband executed the J-Ball logo for the original Blogspot blog. And Kay’s husband left me my funniest comment ever, which was so dry it sucked the humidity right out of the New York air and still makes me snicker when I think about it, no matter how inappropriate the moment. Yes, a single gal blogger’s best friend is her best friend’s husband. And not in that dirty way you’re thinking right now.

Speaking of reader comments, I was highly encouraged to hear that a Neil Finn track was bought from iTunes due to my posting it here. So I think I’ll continue to post them when I can (meaning I own the actual song) along with the Napster link. Then, later, I’ll remove them, as they’re big spacehogs on my server. Don’t forget to buy them! Remember, I’m magic, I’ll know!

Title, of course, comes from The Beatles’ “With A Little Help From My Friends” but none of The Beatles’s songs are licensed for legal downloading, alas, so you can just hum it to yourself.

Instead, let’s have this one. Yes, the genders are reversed but it was the only on-theme song I could find.

The Cars – My Best Friend’s Girl