Everything is fine and good
Hm, who was that angry person posting yesterday? I think someone broke into my server. But anyway, I feel quite validated by the article in today’s NY Times, Travelers Swelter Amid Power Failures and Transit Shutdowns. And my line was the worst!
But this all enables me to share this conversation I had yesterday with a co-worker who is also a dear friend of mine. I was in his office and it went something like this.
Him: Oh, man. Did you get stuck on the train today?
Me: Yes! No, wait, I’m not going to tell you, just read my blog, you’ll know everything.
Him: I forgot the address.
Me: It’s OK, it moved.
(I type it into his browser)
Him: Hey! It’s like a real website.
Great. That will be my new tagline, I think. “Magic Jewball: Now like a real website.” But it went on.
Me: It IS a real website. I’m a real person. I had a real designer. It’s on the real Internet.
Him: Cool. I’ll read it later.
Now, if you have ever heard a person say to you at the end of a date, “I’ll call you,” then you will know that he will never, ever read this blog. So this is a bit like a test, I suppose. If I get an indignant, “Hey! That was me you were talking about, wasn’t it?” I’ll know he actually read it. If not, well, I’ll know I was right, which is probably just as good. Either way, I have readers in Egypt now! I don’t need someone in the office one floor up.
But in case you couldn’t sleep last night, wondering if my day got better, it did! I slipped into the refrigerator that is my office, the trains were running by the time I went home, the situation I was angry about before the subway enraged me got resolved, and the Yankees won at 1 in the morning. So now I no longer feel pissed off enough to add a pissed off song.
Instead, I’ll go with this sarcastic number from which the title derives. It’s by one of my favorite bands who should have been big but weren’t.
And in case my friendly co-worker is reading this, I must give him props for introducing me to many of my favorite bands. The way it works is, he’ll lend me a CD he thinks I will like, I let it sit on my desk for four months, I listen to it one day when I’m bored, I fall in love with it, I tell him, and he says, “you could have been listening to that for four months, you know.” I know, I know. Amongst these bands are The Walkmen, The Vines, Spoon, The Editors, VHS Or Beta, and many more. This one’s for you, Mr. DJ.